f o r t y s i x

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Aurora sighs as she picks up her phone to check the time, but instead it's Jason's she picks up since they had similar phone cases. She notices a message from Adam, but she doesn't want to go through his things. She takes a look at the time, just as another message from Adam appears, without thinking she reads it and a frown forms on her face. you need to tell rora about vanessa. She had so many questions, who is Vanessa, why did jason have to tell her about Vanessa? Why did it seem so urgent?

She puts the phone down and makes her way towards the living room where Jason and Joe were. Their parents had left for work while Jaide went to see her boyfriend, leaving the twins and Aurora. She wasn't gonna ask about the strange message, after all it was his private life, but it didn't stop her from being bothered by the message. And it seemed like Jason noticed.

"What's wrong babe?" Jason asks as he wraps his arm around her and pecks her in the lips.

"Oh, nothing." She lies, making him give her a look.

"You're the worst liar I know, Aurora Wilson. So, tell me what's wrong?" Jason asks again, making her take a deep breath.

"Who is Vanessa? I didn't mean to go through your stuff, I was just checking the time when I saw a message from Adam." Aurora says, making him stiffen before dropping his arm from around her.

"She doesn't matter." He clears his throat nervously, glancing at Joe, who seemed just as tense. Aurora notices and starts to get worried.

"She seems to matter since you're getting so worked up?" Aurora asks as she takes a step back and crosses her arms over her chest.

"She's just some girl from the past."

"Jason. A Vanessa commented on your recent post. She can't be that much in the past." Aurora breaths out as she bites her lip, slightly starting to panic.

"She's in the past for me." He corrects himself, trying to assure her.

"Then why is she so important? If she's in the past, why can't you tell me about her? Why does Adam think I need to know about her?" Aurora asks persistently.

"She's my ex okay?" Jason snaps, making her wince. "She's my ex girlfriend."

"You still love her, don't you?" Aurora asks weakly, Jason is taken back by the question and his eyes widen. He doesn't know how to answer, so all he does is stare at her in shock, making Aurora's heart drop. "That's all I needed to know. I'm gonna go home."


"Don't. It's okay, I get it." Aurora cuts him off, before turning around on her heel and walking to his room to get her stuff.

"Bro, are you just gonna let her go?" Joe asks as he stands up and walks towards his brother, who seems ready to break down. "Are you gonna let Vanessa ruin all of this?"

"What am I supposed to do?" Jason sighs.

"Tell Rora you love her and not Vanessa." Joe says as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"But I don't know. I don't know how I feel." Jason admits under his breath, but Joe heard him clearly. Not giving Joe time enough to react, Jason walks towards the kitchen, not being able to bare to see Aurora leave.

Trapped in a Zoom Call ↬ Jason WaudWhere stories live. Discover now