Scene 12 - SHADO Mobiles

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Sunday 16th. The day of the conference. Several hours before the conference. Yellow and white trucks under-covered as "Markers Universal". They begin driving up the roads, before parking – what feels like half a dozen entering the vicinity. They begin parking up on the side of the road infield, as the back of the transporters reveals the SHADO Mobiles. The lights and motors activate, as they begin sloping down the ramp and travel along the road down to the castle. The first SHADO mobile drives closest to the castle off the side of the road. The other SHADO Mobiles begin circling around the castle to begin marking up. The SHADO Mobile that stops closest to the castle is SHADO Control, inside with Colonels Foster and Lake. More SHADO Mobiles are surrounding the castle via the hills and bushes, running through them powerfully. Some other SHADO Mobiles are positioned on the other side of the lake, from a distance. At SHADO HQ, Straker paces up and down at the control centre smoking a pipe anxiously. Ayshea calls over Straker.


Commander, Paul Foster.

Straker heads over and pulls the radio communicator to himself.



All Mobiles are standing by Commander.


Right. Sky One?

We see a shot of Sky One in the air, before the craft flies over the castle. Waterman returns to his position of patrolling Glen Carrick.


Captain Waterman here sir. I've returned on duty to patrol the grounds Commander.


Good. SHADO Mobile to control, Colonel Lake, you are to enter Glen Carrick with your guards and set up the video link equipment, relayed to all SHADO installations. And set those guards up around the castle itself and send some to make one further inspection of the building.




I hear the housekeeper is quite a character.


He is.

Straker is left to ponder around at SHADO HQ. Until Henderson returns as he goes to meet the Commander.


Ah, Henderson. Good afternoon. Less than two hours now.


Alright Straker. No need to get so excited. What's the situation at Glen Carrick now?


Mobiles and Sky One are standing by. Colonel Lake is making one last inspection of the castle and its setting up our video link. And the delegates are on their way now. They are travelling with special guards under close monitor from our satellites.


Hmmm. Reasonable, Straker. Reasonable. And Gaitskell? What was the result of his trial?




Hmmm. So far so good. Seems as though the security for the operation is proceeding accordingly. In spite of a slight hiccup on Friday.


Yes. The conference will take place as planned.


Yeah, and I heard the landowner of the place is a bit of nut.


That's one way you could describe him, General. I feel sorry for Colonel Lake.

Now we enter another hall inside the castle, the main entrance with the opening of the mighty doors leading to a massive hall filled with cobwebs and dust and dirt. The other side is the main entrance doors which lead us inside the Conference Hall. Peter McDonald Parry tours Lake and the guards in the first hall, loudly.


And again, I feel sorry for you Ms. Lake. Having to come out all this way from goodness knows where two days in a row.


Let's just get to the point Mr. McDonald Parry. We have a great deal of work to complete before the conference in a couple of hours, and we would appreciate it if you would co-operate efficiently.


Oh. Alright then. I'll keep quiet mam.


Right. Spread out. Every inch of this castle needs to be double-checked and inspected. Once we've completed the castle, we'll inspect the outside perimeter once again.

Guard 1:

Right. Come on lads.

The guards then quickly spread out around the castle. Lake grabs out a Biological Decoder and presents it out.


Hold your finger out and pop it into this.

Parry places his filthy finger into the device as it begins scanning him with the flashing yellow light.


Ay! This won't hurt will it?


Could do. Let's hope it isn't red.


Yea. Who knows. Perhaps the aliens got old Nessie. And then Nessie got me.


You're not a very funny man Mr. McDonald Parry.


Well, I can't remember the last soul I last saw apart from yesterday.


The Loch Ness Monster?


Hmmm! Is this stupid thing going to be done much longer? Technology! Hmmm! What rubbish science mumbo-jumbo!

We hear Sky One rocket over once again as he cries out from the deafening pain of his ears.

Ay! Is that awful flying thing going to stop roaring like Nessie every time is comes over my castle! I could hardly get any sleep with that weird bird exploding all night.

The device registers green.


Take your finger out.

He takes it out.


So, my dear, exactly what is going to happen in this process at the conference?


We finish checking and setting up our equipment in your castle. Our delegates supervised by our guards will escort the officials into the hall as they arrive one by one. Our enforcement will of course remain on constant stand by and when the meeting begins at two o clock they will all sit down and you will seal the doors and you will be escorted out to our Mobiles, seeing as we will not be permitted on the grounds during the conference itself


Hmmm. I see. And how long will this conference take?


Long enough, Mr. McDonald Parry.

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