Chapter Seven

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Jake Pov

Today was such an interesting day on August 24th since we had an half day at school it ended up being two and half hours since no one decided to show up not even the principal besides 8 students and 2 teachers and one of those students where Erika. Which I was happy to see her but disappointed since she had a little girl to take care of and honestly I thought she be gone but no she stayed here due to school and it sucks that's making her stay. How I know that is that I asked her since we where in the same class for the day and after 3rd period we went home due to the teachers wanted to go home and leave and that's what happened me and Erika left and went our separate ways. So right now I am finishing packing my bags that I didn't get too last night. Once I finish that I be packing my precious car up with Thor in the back.

Erika Pov

Today was such a waste like seriously I went to school for no apparent reason since we left after 3rd period since our teachers ran out of the school. Now I am home with Annabelle sleeping in my arms since I picked her up during nap time. I am so thankful I got out of school when I did since I saw the teacher was about to leave the class with just my daughter just in the class sleeping. Other than that it started to rain when I got home and it didn't stop but I still packed our bags and once I did I woke up Annabelle and fed her than I packed up the car and strapped us in to leave. So I backed out of the driveway and everything was smooth until I got to this part of the road where it was closed off so I turned around and went another way that lead me to lose control of the car and steer into an ditch where me and Annabelle where stuck in and I just sit in my seat and cry until...

Jake Pov

So I was driving to my base on this road that no one was on since it wasn't that popular but a mile down the street I saw a car stuck in a ditch and with me being Jake Paul I steered my car on the side of the road the car was on and I ran out of the car since it was raining and went to knock on the person window and I saw they jumped but opened the window and said

Jake: "Mam are you and any of your passengers fine do you need immediate care."

Person: "OMG Jake"

I looked at them and nodded and said

Jake: "Yes Mam I am Jake Paul from team 10 but can you please listen I know you are shocked but you and your passengers are my first priority."

She looked at the little girl that looked familiar to me but didn't really care to find out since I am getting soaked right now. But my thought got cut off by her saying

Person: "We are ok Jake but I have no way out of here we are going to die in the storm."

Jake: "Mam with all do respect and all I am not that heartless you be coming with me."

Person: "Seriously."

Jake: "Yes lets get you two out of here in my car."

Person: "Thanks Jake and p.s. I know your brother."

I was like what how does she know my brother I don't even have one and I was like oh shit my alter ego and I saw her getting out of the car and recognized her immediately it was Erika. And I looked at her and said

Jake: "Hello Mrs. Erika Costell I heard a lot about you."

She looked at me shocked and said

Erika: "Wait what you did."

Jake: "Yes my brother said you are the queen bee of the school but the nicest out of all them."

Erika:"Aw that sweet but where is your car don't want to get her sick."

I nodded and pointed to my car and she went there and but her daughter in the back with Thor and she said

Erika: "Can you help me with my stuff."

Jake: "Yeah sure lets go."

She then opened her trunk and we took her bags out in one trip I closed her trunk and left to my car and put her bags in the trunk of my car and she ask

Erika: "Where is most of your bags."

Jake: "This is basically all I have her since I live in Miami in the summer I just come here for my brother."

She nodded and got in my car and I put the rest of the bags in my trunk closed it and got in but before I closed my trunk I grabbed a shirt out of one of my three bags and then I took off that shirt and put it in the trunk and closed it than when I was walking to the driving seat I put on the shirt and got in and drove to the shelter.

AN: Thanks so much for reading this and sorry you had to wait a while and yes that is all I have for now I will try to update more frequently after this have a great day bye.

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