You Again

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Once again, a sleepless night at least today, Isabella didn't have to work the morning shift, but she did have to go to the store.

Amelia needed diapers, which she needed to potty train. She needed personal, and household needs.

On top of that, her rent was two months overdue because Sam cut her pay for being late three days in a roll beside firing her.

Hopefully, Dave would take last month's rent plus half of this month because that is all she could do

Again, Isabella got up and did her morning routine of showering, brushing her teeth, and straightening her hair this morning.

Luckily she had good genes causing her to have good hair because God knows she couldn't afford to get her hair done, and Amelia was blessed with being mixed.

Finally done in the bathroom, she woke her daughter bathing her then feeding her afterward they was off to the store.

Target a store she hated to be in she always ended up spending too much fucking money even when she wasn't trying too

The first aisle she went to was the baby aisle she had to make sure she got Amelia diapers if nothing else.

Then the aisle for her personal needs from there her house whole needs tissue and cleaning supplies for this week.

Isabella was so focused that she didn't see the man on her side until she ran into of him with him looking down at her slightly.

He smiled a little as she noticed he was the same man from the diner yesterday that left the tip of 100 dollars, saving her life with her rent.

"Isabella, right?" He asked

"Bella's fine, you are?" She asked

"Jeremias. Is she yours?" He said

Pointing back at Amelia in the buggy as she waved that him happily and smiling something she never did with others

"Yeah, that's Amelia she two," She said

"So, you're married?" He asked sounding a little disappointed

"WHAT NO! It's a long story plus if I were married you wouldn't have witnessed yesterday" Isabella said

She knew he saw what happened like everyone else in the fucking diner did. No one did shit sit there looking like every other time, which made Senator Williams braver each time.

"Yeah, I saw it. If it were left it up to me his teeth would have been down his throat" Jeremias said

"Uh-uh...I know the deal everyone scared of him" She said

Jeremias gave her a look saying he wasn't scared, but Isabella didn't want to question it. If she was truthful, he looked kind of scary.

"Well, it was nice talking to you, Jeremias. I hope to see you around" She said as she started to walk away.

"Bye, Dada" Amelia said, waving.

"MELIA!" Isabella scream covering her mouth

The only thing Jeremias did was chuckled, waving himself but what the fuck made her say that shit

"Bye, babygirl" He said as he walked the other way.

Isabella was confused, wondering what was going through her daughter's head to make her call Jeremias daddy.

She knew kids said shit out the way. That way out the way that man didn't want her he screamed money and she scream broke.

He probably already had a lot of women falling over his dick, experienced ones as that. Why would he want her?

Afraid (Bonus Book 1 Köhler Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang