Awoke (Forgive and Heal)

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Beeping sounds filled Isabella's ears and distant sounds of someone talking voices she never heard before

One was the voice of a man the other was woman, and she knew the male one was Jeremias taking in a worried tone as she tried opening her eyes

The room was blurry, the least she could tell it was a hospital room, and tv sat on the wall in the far left counter playing an old episode of CSI

She tried to recall the events that led her to be in the hospital, but the only thing she could remember was going to the Knight's residents, and the man she met at the front door the rest was a burr

It had her thinking was her and Jamie in a car accident. If they were, was he okay all she knew was her body was sore, especially her between her thighs.

Moving wasn't an opinion no matter how bad she wanted to so, she trying talking opening her mouth, but nothing came out

She could hear herself screaming in her head. The only thing she felt was pain, causing tears to flow down her face.

Just then a thought hit her Jeremias was there but where the fuck was her baby and who the fuck was he talking too

All her thoughts were broken when a woman came into her vision while she tried to get her attention, but she only notices the tears running from her eyes as she wiped them away

She walked away for a moment returning as she injected something into her IV then walking over to Jeremias and whomever he was talking to

"She still in pain, and crying in her sleep still...Mr. Lang, you said your wife has nightmares. That may be what is happening now, her crying and whimpering in her sleep. I wish I could tell you more like with her face is too swollen to see if anything is broken, and I'm hoping the swelling will be gone some in a couple more days. I'm going to keep her sedated until then, and the DNA from the rape kit came up empty the police...I was hoping it would tell us something i-it just don't sit with me well just maybe when she awakens she can tell them something" She said

The other woman in the room began to talk, but Isabella mind started to wonder blocking out whatever she was saying

She wanted to know why was she talking about a rape kit fuck was she rape? If so, by who? It couldn't have been him. Could it? Why couldn't she fucking remember.

What was wrong with her? The last thing she could remember was the man talking to her at the door nothing more

But now she had the sudden urge to sleep as her thoughts faded she wanted nothing more that stay awake, but her body wanted to sleep

As Isabella started to drift off as she felt her body began to shake, then silence and white light

At the end of it, she saw a woman she knew from somewhere, and it wasn't until she got close to realizing who she was

"Mama?" Isabella said confused

"Yes, baby girl, but you're not a baby anymore. Are you?" Her mama said

Tears started to fall she missed the sound her mama voice so damn much, but she had to be dreaming, dying or already dead

"Am....Am I...."

"Dead, no baby you're not" She said cutting her off

Right then, her mind wandered back to that night she left home all the guilt came flowing back she had to tell her she was sorry

"Mama, I'm so sorry I left that night, maybe if I stayed..."

"Isabella, you have nothing to be sorry for. If you had stayed, you also would have died; it was faith. Which lead to the reason you snuck out that night it was meant for you to live. For you to have that beautiful daughter you have because of that I'm happy" She said

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