A Thought

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"What's that smile for Love?" Jeremias asked

"Nothing really, I just think it's funny how you have Jane after you. You know that all an act. Your mother and I saw her about three days ago. When we were shopping. She and her friends were together all in black, so I'm guessing all were gothic. I think she gets off messing with you, Mias. She knows she can get under your skin" Isabella said

Jeremias stared at her for a long moment.

Thinking over what she had said to him, Isabella couldn't see how he didn't know that shit

It the true her and Giselle both saw the girls and friends at the mall. Jane looked dead in her face and spoke normally

No crazy shit, just as she usually did, and she saw her ring. If she were so upset, the girl would have when to the gym soon as she saw it

Isabella believes she wanted to see how far Jeremias would go. The girl just didn't know who she was fucking with

"No, she's crazy, Bella. I have been dealing with this bitch for almost two years now. A normal person would have stopped by now."

"Not if you're entertaining her Jeremias" She said

"What the fuck are you talking about Isabella. I have not in any type of way entertain that crazy gothic bitch" Jeremias said reaching for Kimari

What he did understand, letting her know she was bothering him, was entertaining her. Some people love shit like that she was one of them

"If you want her to stop. Give her something else to do. She's in all that dark shit use it, Jeremias, for your own needs" Isabella said

"You tell me to use her on the senator. Isabella, you're against Rose sleeping with him and having his baby. But you want to let Jane fuck with him?" He said

She didn't say all that, but it was an excellent fucking idea. Play Ian at his own game. Isabella just didn't want Jane to lose her life over it

"I didn't say that Mias the girl is innocent and young fuck younger than me. Did you know she's only 19" She said

Jeremias sit up straighter in the bed looking at her like she grew two heads or something as she and Amelia sat on the bed with him and Kimari

"You're fucking with me Isabella" He said

"No, tell me you didn't fucked her" She whispered

"WHAT!? NO!" He screamed scaring Kimari and Amelia

Quickly he started to rock the both of them smoothing their nerves glaring at her while she laughed at him

"I was just playing Mias, but yeah, I told your mother about her stalking you. She went into mama bear mode collect information on her. Finding out she's only 19" She said

"It's for the money they probably stalk people until they brake paying them off to leave them the fuck alone..."

"No, she only stalked you. It must be something about you, Baby, she likes...You know every teenage girl's fantasy with all the muscle and tattoos" Isabella said cutting him off

Jeremias smirked at her then busted out laughing making her laugh while Amelia looked at them like they lost their minds

"Don't look at daddy like that baby girl your mama crazy" Jeremias said to Amelia

"You both crazy I'm going to my room and play" Amelia said

She and Jeremias looked at each other again and laugh. Making Amelia as she jumped off the bed walking to the door

"She's getting too fucking grown for her age Mias" Isabella said

"No, she been around Nadia and Jaliyah for too fucking long" He said handing her back Kamari

That was true the of them had Amelia so damn much she was starting to follow them more than Jeremias now

Jeremias couldn't stand it talking about. They were bad influences on her. Like he was any better, hell either of them was good influencers

"So, what are we going to do about Jane?" She asked

"I'm going to talk to my father; he's still The Don. I'm just learning if that what you call it, so whatever I do has to go through him first. I'm pretty sure he will go along with my plan. I will consider Jane in all this. Trust me, I know this is a dangerous game we are playing with Rose and Jane, but my father doesn't think it's the right time to kill Ian. If it were up to me, I would have Rose kill his ass the night he met her." Jeremias said

Honestly, Isabella didn't want Ian dead. Yeah, she knows she should be something inside of her didn't think it was right

The man needed help. It was the sickness that drove him to do what he did to her. But would she tell Jeremias and his father that?

Hell no. The crazy fools would probably cut her another new asshole just for feeling sorry for the man. So, she sat back letting them do what they please

"There's something else wrong. Isn't there?" Jeremias asked

Isabella hated that. How well he read her when she was in thought. She guesses why they were a good fit for each other. They understood each other.

"No. I'm fine" Isabella said

"Isabella" Jeremias said sternly

Isabella rolled her eyes, sitting up, looking over to him, then back down at a sleeping Kimari. Thinking of the best way to express her feelings without him getting mad

"I don't think we should kill the senator" She said fast

"I think you need to repeat that but slower because I know the fuck you didn't say what I think you said" Jeremias said

She looked back down at the baby. He immediately lifted her head back up for her to look him in the eyes

"Repeat it" He told her a bit angry

Isabella sighed and said, "I don't think we should kill Ian."

"Don't tell him you're sorry for the motherfucker who raped you, left you for fucking dead Isabella. If he cares one fucking ounce about you, he wouldn't have left you there for fucking hours. He would have gotten you damn help. Whether it was calling 911 anonymously, taking you the got damn emergency entrance doors leaving you. He would have done something. Better yet, he wouldn't have raped you. The only thing Ian cared about was himself. He left you and probably was returning to burn the fucking house down if we wouldn't have found you, or dump your body in the nearest fucking lake, river, or the fucking ocean. Then he would have been on the next women that he thought he was in love with. Ian has killed innocent people Isabella, his parents, his teenage girlfriend because she wouldn't fuck him, and the investigator. They are the only ones I know of, but I'm sure there is more, and you want to let the bastard fucking live. I think the fuck not" Jeremias said

She hung her head down thinking how dumb she just felt about wanting to keep the man alive, but he was sick did that matter

"I hear you, Jeremias, but..."

"No, buts Isabella. Yeah, I understand he's sick in the fucking head. That much is true, but he knows what he is doing is wrong; that is what you need to understand. He knows all this is wrong, the killings and all he knows. Maybe not thinking he's in love with you and Rose. Don't seem surprise Rose used his illness against him. It's wrong but needed" He said cutting her off

"Maybe you right" Isabella said

"Baby, I don't want to be right, but Ian needs to be stopped. I don't like playing these games, but it's a sport for my father and apparently, your father. They like toying with the fool I'm like I just hope Rose nor Jane gets hurt" Jeremias said

Isabella guessed it settled. They were killing Ian.




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