Chapter 8 She Is What Now?

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             A few nights later, Marinette dresses up nice and heads out. She does not say a word about this to anyone.  Not even Alya as she is not so sure she will approve. She grabs up her car keys, and leaves her purse behind this time, but makes sure to carry her mace with her. She is a bit paranoid about what took place two nights ago.

           Alya's POV:

           Alya calls Marinette but gets no answer.  She hears the phone go straight to voicemail. She thinks goodness, where is that girl?  She only wishes to ask her best friend how the blind date went?  It is not like Nino heard a word from Adrien about it.

            "Nino, Marinette is not picking up," Alya whines.

            "Babe, do not worry so much," Nino remarks.

              "Normally, I would not but she never goes out," Alya tries to explain.

             "Alya, I am sure there is a logical explanation," Nino replies.

           "Are you sure?" Alya asks.

         "Yes, I am sure," Nino responds.

               Alya shrugs her shoulders as she thinks Nino is right, so why then do I still worry for her?  She sighs as she recalls how she should baby her bestie forever.  It is not like she has not been told this enough times already.

            "Ok, Nino," Alya replies.

           Nino's POV:

             Nino wonders why he and Alya have not heard anything from their best friends. It is rather usual as they thought for sure at least one of them would have brought up the other night by now.

           He sure hopes this does not mean Marinette stood up Adrien, or that the two are mad at each other.  He considers all the possibilities and laughs when realizes how much Alya he sounds right now.

            "Adrien has not said a word either, but I am sure he will eventually," Nino remarks.

            "Wow, that is rather odd," Alya agrees.

           "Yes, well, it is up to him,"  Nino says.

           "I do not want to be a nag," Nino explains.

        "Darling, I am sure he is just fine," Alya tells him.

               Nino smiles as his girlfriend hugs him.  Somehow she always has her way to make him feel better.  He is so glad to have her in his life and hopes maybe someday Adrien can have a special someone in his life as well.  

             Adrien's POV:

              Adrien shows up for work extra early in the hopes to see her.  He begins to think she will never show up.  It is not like she gave him her word. He blushes when he recalls how she gave him a peck on the cheek the last time they met.  He shakes his head as he sits down to enjoy the game.  It is one of the perks of being one of the cleanup crew.  Well, that and being friends with Nino.

           He sees Nino and Alya show up.  He watches as they take their usual place in the stands.  It is in a special area cornered off in the top balcony area.  He is glad that they do not know anything about why he feels so anxious.  He breathes a sigh of relief that they did not wave at him either.

         "Whoa, is that Mari?" Adrien asks as he looks up in surprise.

        Marinette's POV:

         Marinette shows up at the stadium and smiles at the gatekeeper.

            "Miss show me your ticket," He states.   

             "I am the pre-game singer for tonight," Marinette blurts out.

           "Well, in that case, Miss go on ahead,"  The man says with a wink in her direction.

                 Marinette thanks him and runs to the field.  She feels nervous as she looks for the microphone.  She sees it set up in the same place it was the last time she was there. She smiles and pretends as if the place is empty.  She figures maybe it will not be so bad this way.

              She opens her mouth and begins to do a few warm-up notes.  Then, she says, everyone stands for the anthem.    She begins to sing and gives it her all. She does not think it sounds that great.

             Adrien's POV:           

               Adrien's jaw drops when he sees her.  He can not believe it she came.

                 He is about to ask her if this is what he thinks it means when he realizes she is at the pitcher's mound.  He smiles in her direction and watches in amazement as she sings.  He claps for her along with the crowd of people. The whole time he thinks, wow, way to go Marinette.


             Nino's  POV:

               Nino listens to the young lady sing, then looks over at Alya. Sure enough, she has the same shocked reaction to it that he does right now. He thinks, too bad Adrien is not here to hear her sing.  He is sure the person who sings tonight is Marinette.  He knows it to be true.

             "Alya, is that your best friend?"  Nino asks in surprise.

               "Yes, what of it?"  Alya asks.

                "It is just she is good,"  Nino replies.

               "Yes, she is and I did not know she could sing," Alya tells him.

               "I did not either," Nino states.

               Alya's  POV:

                  Alya listens closely to the song in awe and smiles. She thinks she is what now?  She can scarcely believe it is her best friend out there.  She never knew her bestie friend was so good.

                She wonders what brought her here at this moment.  She decides to save the questions for later not to disturb the lovely voice of the singer below.  Once the song is over she claps and yells out,  "Yes, fabulous Girl!  Marinette, you can sing!"
                As Alya claps and shouts for Marinette, Nino joins in along with all the other fans who turned out for the game.  A certain blonde-haired worker does the same with a huge grin on his face.

           Narrator's POV:
             Marinette finishes the song unware that all the attention is on her. She does not appear to notice she is in the spot lot.  As the song draws to a close everyone cheers for her and claps.  She gets a standing ovation.

             Adrien winks at her as he thinks, that is what I am talking about Marinette.  He sighs, then sits back down as she walks away. He wishes she would stay, but who is he kidding?

           Alya and Nino notice Marinette's quick exit and wonder where the blue-haired woman went anyway.     Then, again, it is not like she owes them an explanation since she did not say she would be here tonight.

         Find out more in Chapter 9

         -Summer out!



My First Kiss Ever AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now