Chapter 9 He Does What?

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      Adrien's POV:

        Adrien finds he can scarcely pay attention to the baseball game. It was no wonder since a certain bluenette was on his mind.  He did not know how to find her.  Sure he knew she was friends with his best friend's girlfriend, but somehow this did not make a difference. He was never given the slightest hint that she wants anything to do with him after the failure of a date.

         He shakes his head in dismay.  He should know that his life was meant to be a lonely one.  It was not meant to be anything different.  His father told him as much, but did he listen no.

          He struggles with past and current thoughts alike as he waits for the game to end.  Once it is over he breathes a sigh of relief.  He decides it is best he can clean up with no interruptions now.  As he does his nightly rounds of sweeping around the bases, then the pitcher's mound, he sighs.   He discovers he has to find her even if it is a lost cause.

              Adrien calls Nino to speak to him for a moment.

          "Nino, do you have any idea where she could have gone after she was done singing?" Adrien asks.

       Nino's  POV:
          Nino was slight on the other end for a moment.

                "Dude you do not mean to tell me you knew about this?"  Nino asks.

                 "Not exactly," Adrien answers.

                  "What do you mean, man?" Nino inquiries.

                    "I mean I did mention we could use a new singer at the games, but I did not expect her to show up," Adrien replies.

                   "Yes, well by the sound of it she did way better than Kagami ever did," Nino points out the obvious.

                        "Yes, she did," Adrien says.


     Adrien's  POV:                   
       "Listen, Nino, I hope you are not mad I did not tell you," Adrien states.

                   "It is just she told me she did not want anyone to know," Adrien explains.

                     "So, why should that matter?"  Nino asks.

                      "She thinks she is not any good," Adrien responds.

                           "We both know that is not true," Adrien says into the receiver.

                             "Dude, you got that right, she is great at it," Nino remarks.

                          "I got to go, see you," Adrien says, right before he hangs up.

                  Adrien thinks well that does it I am done for the day.  He heads home with a huge grin on his face as he goes about to set his plan into action.

       Narrator's  POV:

         Nino wonders what it is Adrien has in mind to make him ask about Marinette?  His buddy still has not said a word about the blind date.  He sure hopes this means things are okay between him and Marinette.  This does not explain why she was in a rush to leave though.

      Then again, according to Alya, Marinette has always been the shy sort and had a rough time of it.  He can not help but think Adrien is just the guy to help her come out of her shell or whatever it is she appears to be hiding these days.

My First Kiss Ever AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now