Assisting Mr. Cavill

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I took a deep breath as I rode up the elevator. I applied for this job but I never really thought I’d get it. I had been junior assistant to some high up secretaries and when an opening came up for that unattainably handsome Mr. Cavill, of the Jersey Cavills, I had to try. I had seen him at company parties looking almost bored in his circle elite, sipping a martini and looking James Bond-ish. Once he even looked my way and it took everything to play cool. But I got the job. I was his next executive assistant.  I heard his assistant got a car as a year end bonus. The elevator door to the executive floor opened and I was shocked to find none other than Mr. Cavill standing there looking at his watch.

I stood there, stifling a gasp. His blue eyes moved up to my brown ones. He was impeccably dressed as always, looking like some perfume ad, wearing a gray suit and burgundy tie. I straightened as he took in what I called my “I’m Woman, Hear Me Roar” outfit: a snow leopard print top, black slacks that hugged my curves and ankle boots, which flattered what some of my friends said was as shapely frame. I just thanked my neighborhood gym.

“Congratulations, Ms. Chand, on your promotion to executive assistant.” He looked me over again. “I know you were a junior assistant before, but it’s different here on the executive floors.”

I found myself putting my shoulders back and tilting my chin up at him. I knew this outfit was within standards, I frowned. What a–

His blue gaze took the breath out of me as he stepped forward, looking as if he knew what I was thinking. “Are you ready?”

We were literally inches apart, and I felt my body tingle at his broad shoulders and muscular body which blocked my path and view. I knew my eyes had grown large as I smelled aftershave and nodded yes.

“Follow me.” He leads you off the elevator. “I believe in reward and punishment. Do you know what that means?”

“That if I do good I get rewarded and if I don’t, I get punished?” I followed him to his office.

“Well, do well, Ms. Chand,” he corrected.

“Yes I am ready and thank you for this opportunity!” I said way too brightly, putting just enough sarcasm in it to make me feel better. Gorgeous..and difficult. Surprise, surprise.

“Good, I think we understand each other.”

I smiled up at him. “Good, I wouldn’t want it where we didn’t.” I giggle. He turned quickly and bumped into him. Of course, I bounced back a step like he was a wall.

“Yes, so it would seem.” He said dryly, his eyes sparking humorously at my expense.

I lowered my gaze and looked around the office as I once again was subject to his perusal. “Is that me?” I asked after looking at the empty corner office with the door open and to the desk next to me which was closest to it.

“Yes,” he nodded curtly. “I need you to draft a letter for me to Mr. Smith regarding his project costs and an invitation to lunch tomorrow after you get settled in.”

I whipped my head into his direction, “Oh ok sure. Where would you like me to arrange lunch for you both?” I ask looking up at you.

“Yes, that would be nice,” he nodded with approval, heading back to his office.

I blinked at him. “Uh, no sir I asked where ….? So do you have a place in mind?”

“There should be a listing of restaurants in Outlook,” He threw over his shoulder as he went inside..

As he walked away I checked him out from his shoulders down to his shoes

“Ok sure I’ll look!!” I smirked at my own double meaning. “Thank you.”

He surprised me and turned around. “And bring me a cup of coffee, Cream and sugar.”

“How mu…“ I groaned as he closed his door so I said to it, "Ok …. how much though?” I walked to my desk and put down my bag and walk towards the chair and sit.

He opened his door. “Oh, there is an executive kitchen on this floor,“ he tells you. "The maid in there will help you.” He closed the door again.

As I sat and turned on the computer looking at the screen, I thought aloud, “Wait….. does he want it  now or when I’m done letter?” Then he opens the door.

“Coffee. Now.” He startled me, and showed impatience with a raise of his eyebrow.

I got up quickly and knocked over my chair, “Oh, shit sorry.” I walked quickly toward the kitchen.

Mr. Cavill groaned. “My office?”

“……But your coffee?”

“Let me, let me get your coffee I’ll be really quick I promise.” I went to the kitchen and learned how he likes his coffee from the maid and came back with it in 5 min. I hear him growl as I open the door to his office. “Here!” I held the cup out to him.

“Thank you,” He took the coffee and sipped, then frowned. "This is half and half, not cream.”

“They didn’t have cream but I can get it tomorrow morning for sure.’

His jaw tightened and I inwardly cringed. He looks sexy when he’s angry. His gaze rose to mine. "You will make sure there is cream every morning.” He bit out. “understood?”

“Yes, yeah understood.” I nodded, making eye contact to show I was listening.

“Yes, sir.” he corrected. “We are not in high school. We do not say ‘yeah’ or use unladylike language, is that clear?”

I stood straight, almost feeling like I should salute. “Yes, sir.”

He rose so quickly from his chair he startled me. He walked around the desk to me and again, we were inches apart. I began to suspect that he knew what his closeness did. “I hope you learn fast, little one. I would hate to start discipline today.”

Assisting Mr.CavillWhere stories live. Discover now