Part 3.

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"Mm… my .... uh ... how you like your coffee and that I need to get you cream. Also it's a delivery service, I don't have to do it myself." I looked over my shoulder watching his hands.

"Not bad," he whispered, his lips pressing on my neck and shoulder then his tongue slowly running over the shell of my ear. "Procedures for a letter?" He bent me over the desk and I felt my skirt rising.

I instinctively arched, sucking in a breath that ended in a moan. He bit my ear gently, making me gasp softly. "Go on." He gently pulled my hips into his and I squirmed like I was in heat.

"I grow...impatient." he growled, and another whimper escaped me as I felt the hardness against me. "I would rather release than discipline you..."

His hand traveled up and into my underwear. I cried out softly as I felt his finger push inside me, feeling embarrassed because I knew I was wet for him. "Now, or so help me no one goes anywhere."

“Depends on the letter, sir,” I moaned softly. I gasped as I felt him stroke my gspot, "oh, sir." I leaned on the desk for support as his other hand explored the rest of my body.

“The ones,” he growled softly.  “What you learned today.”

“All need to be saved in both our folders, and the printed copy must be signed!” I cried out, gripping the desk.

“Good girl,” he slapped my backside, and I moaned. He did a sharp intake of breath and bent over to murmur in my ear. “I chose well, didn’t I? How do I reward you, pet?” He pushed two of his middle fingers inside me, and my juices flowed over it. “Good?”

“Mmm, yes!” I cried out softly, tears in my eyes. And then he pulled out and spanked me again, his fingers stabbing my core. He did it over and over and I moaned and cried out.

He gently went to his executive bathroom and brought back a cloth to clean me. “You will do fine working for me, pet.” He said, gently stroking me through the towel. “Let’s see what tomorrow holds.” He finished, kissing my sweaty eyebrow and moving away. It turned to see him putting on his clothes. “Good night, sweet dreams.” He left me in the office, wanting him, and not forgetting the outline of his erection in his slacks cleverly covered by his suit jacket.

Yesterday was a lesson I won’t forget, I told myself as I hurried to work. My body kept reacting to the memory of being up against him, the feeling of his touch as I was bent over his desk. As I went to grab his cream and sugar for coffee at the grocery store, I wondered what today would hold. I made it to the office and headed to the kitchen to make his coffee. I did it quickly and walked in with a knock.

"May i come in sir? I brought you your coffee sir."

“You’re a little late.” He slightly raised his eyebrow. “My coffee?” He puts out his hand.

I became wary and excited at the same time, slowly walking over to bring him his coffee. He took the coffee from me and set it on his desk. I turned to go and in one second he had risen and pulled me against him.

“My coffee should be on that coaster, hot and ready for me when I come in.” I trembled and he smirks. “Wet is a given, wouldn’t you say?”
I could only nod.

He set me on his desk easily and I felt my stomach flip-flop feeling  his biceps shift as he did it.

“No slacks, Ms. Chand.” He licks your neck. “That will earn you a red bottom and a new skirt. Understood?”

I moaned involuntarily, hoping I didn’t bring him my caramel macchiato. As he held me on the desk I tried to look at his cup. He picked his up and took a sip, and I watched for his reaction.

"Caramel macchiato?" His eyes narrowed.

"I-I’m sorry, I brought the wrong cup of coffee--" I couldn’t seem to escape his embrace as I struggled to go and get the cup on my desk. "I-I can go get it, it's on my desk, honest mistake." I stopped resisting and looked into his eyes. “I can go grab your cup of coffee sir, just let me go and--"

"No," He shook his head, staring me down. He reached over and opened his desk drawer. "Here is what you will serve my coffee in. You will hand wash it every day. Clear?"

The cup was a blend of ornate silver and glass, not looking like it should be in an office with its Celtic design. I watched him pour MY coffee into his cup and frown. What...?

"This is yours," he pulled out another cup made of the same elements but my silver design was more floral. "If I see another cup on your desk, I will" I watched him sip it.

"Caramel...I like it." He licked his lips slowly. "So, I guess cream will no longer suffice. I want this every morning now."

He stared down at me as he moved aside. I got off the desk.  “But that’s my—okay, sir.”

He poured the last of my coffee into the cup and smiled. I smiled back and took my new cup to my desk.

Suddenly I get a call on my desk phone. I saw it was him, and I picked up.
"What was one of our first lessons, pet?" He asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Everything here is yours." I said simply, licking my lips.

"Good girl." I could hear him on the phone and from his office though his voice was low I realized he was watching me.

“Come here.” When I got up and went to him yet again, he smiled. "You want some of MY coffee? I'll share more today, if you like."

I smiled back, "No, I'm ok thanks." I moved back, "with your permission I'd like to start my day sir." My stomach growled and he frowned.

“You haven't eaten?" he asked incredulously. He held my hands in his and said with concern I couldn’t miss, "Just like getting dressed for work, a morning meal and coffee are also mandatory."

“Mine is at my desk, now if you’d be so kind as to let me go eat," Hearing that I said the last word too hard, I added, “I will be forever grateful l." I said in my airy low voice.

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