Part 2.

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I stood, trapped by his gaze as it poured over me again, causing my body to flush.

His eyes finally rose to mine. “My letter?”

I got nervous as he looked me over. “I…. uh …. would you like me to get your cream  now sir?” He smirked-smirked! He smirked like his mind turned dirty for a second, but I knew that couldn’t be.

“The letter.” The look hadn’t changed and was giving me goosebumps.

The letter! “OH !! yeah … oh no sorry I mean yes sir it’s at my desk let me grab it, I’ll be right back sorry.” I turned to go get his letter.

I came back with his letter and handed it to him.

He glanced over it. “Not bad.” He handed the sheet back. “I want this sent bike messenger.”

“You want me to deliver by bike, sir?"

He frowned at you, and almost laughed, another gift. "Look in contacts. There should be a messenger service that you can call for pickup.”

I closed my eyes in shame and groaned at my stupidity. Of course!


"Nothing sir.” I say with my jaw clenched and my head down. I point behind me and put my arm down, “I’ll go send this by bike messenger.”

He shook his head at me, definitely chuckling. “You do that.”

I turned my body as I motioned towards my desk and turned fully to go out to my desk.

"Make sure you reprint that on my letterhead," he called after me.
“Yes sir." I say opening the door and walking out.

I did everything he asked for, I sent it and they picked it up and sent a copy to him and kept one on the computer files.

"Ms. Chandra?" He called a little later from his door.

"Yes sir?" I walked into his office.
"Did you send the letter?"

"Yes sir I have, and a copy to you and one on my computer."

His eyebrow raised and not in a good way. "Come in here, please”.

Uh oh. I walked inside feeling in trouble.

"Yes sir."

He is leaning against this desk casually, but I couldn’t seem to think of him as anything but a large cat about to pounce. I stopped, a body length from him, he picked up two sheets of paper, one in each hand.

"Look at these letters." I stepped to the desk, and he stepped behind me...too close behind me. "Do you see the difference between these, little one?”

Little one? I turned slightly, realizing his head was almost next to mine as if looking on with me. I looked at them, and they seemed identical...till I get to the bottom. “One is signed and the other is not.” I said flatly. I rolled my eyes in disappointment and my head went down.

His breath was on my ear as he spoke softly. "Anything I send out of here to anyone must have my signature. Understood?"

"Yes sir. I understand sir." I looked down at my mistake and kicked myself for it. I kept looking at it turning moving towards the door but I stopped since he hadn’t moved. Again, so damned close and there goes my heart racing. I lowered my gaze. "Oh, sorry my I go sir?"

His hands moved on either side of me on the desk behind me. "I want you to remember that nothing here happens without my say so. I own everything.” He raised my chin, forcing our eyes to meet. “And as far as I'm concerned, I own you until I let you go everyday. Is that clear?"

I looked into his eyes and nodded my head, his point thrillingly clear. "yes sir." I brought the paper and held it to my chest like a barrier or additional clothing. His eyes stripped me of way too much.

He gives a small smile and snatches the sheet, ridding the barrier between us. "Print another." He crumbled it with one hand and threw it into the garbage, still maintaining eye contact with me. He swallowed hard as if he is showing restraint. He took a deep breath and growled, "That will be all for now."

I nodded my head in shock, the little space between us electric. "Ye.... yes ... yes sir." I walked out.

When lunch time came, and I got up to leave for my break.

Finally, all is done to Mr. Ward's orders, his design and you want to get away from him. He is too close, and your heart is beating too fast when he is near.

"Where do you think you're going?" He called as I started making my way to the elevators.

I turned around. “I was going to lunch.... I'm all finished up here for now." I watched him narrow his eyes and I remembered how I am not supposed to leave without his permission .

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Excuse me?"

"Sorry sir, I just remembered that I cant leave without your permission, I'm not used to that. Please forgive me sir."
"In my"

Not wanting to be fired, I whimpered, "Please sir, I'll do better I swear."

“Yes, you will," he grated out. He uses two fingers to gesture you to him, and the action looks... "Now, please."

I swallowed hard as he motioned his fingers as a come hither. My legs closed and I hesitated at first but walked towards him as he commanded it. I wanted those fingers inside of me, playing me like an instrument.

"Yes sir," I walked into his office before he did as he the door opened for me.

He closed the door behind us both, and I heard a lock click, making my head snap up. He took off his jacket.

"I think..." He took off his shirt revealing a tight t-shirt underneath that didn’t leave his muscular torso to imagination. "I think it's time we understand each other."

I looked at his body teasing me under his t-shirt and looked up to his eyes trying to keep them there.

"Wha..... what do you mean sir?" I got nervous as I watched him massage his hand with the other looking down at them then at me.

"Let's go over some things," he purred. "What have we learned today?" He stood behind me and ran his hands over my shoulders. "Go on."

I swallowed hard. "That I don’t belong to me or anyone else when I am in your building but you. To say, yes sir, and to act and speak like lady." As he ran his hands down my shoulders I started to get hazy.

My words get caught up in my throat. I was confused on what was happening but didn't want it to stop.

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