Part 5 Master of Disguise

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"Amajiki...?" Nejire spoke softly when her blue orbs fell onto Tamaki standing there holding a tray with food on it. "I was going but you brought my dinner...." She was surprised to see the tray in his hands.

"Yeah....I told you I was going to bring you something to eat around dinner time...." Tamaki reminded her, giving a faint smile.

"Oh right, you did say that didn't you?" Nejire giggled softly, completely forgetting about Hawks having shown up. "Well, thank you so much Amajiki!" Giving him a bright smile her hands went behind her back, her left hand fingers coiling around her right wrist.

Staring towards the bluenette girl before him, Tamaki felt his cheeks lighting up. Thoughts filling his mind caused him to feel slight guilt as he looked towards the side. "Should...we go inside....your room can eat?" His voice was low which wasn't unusual for the shy boy.

Nejire gives a slight nod walking back over to her door and reaches out opening it. Stepping inside she kept the door open for Tamaki to follow her in. He steps into the room looking it over before walking over to her bed setting the tray down and looking back towards the bluenette. The two were silent while the door closed and she made her way over to the bed sitting down on the edge of it. Checking over the items on the tray Nejire picked up one of the spring rolls and took a bite into it, setting it back down.

"If you...don't need anything... I'll be on my way..." Tamaki said, making his way towards the door. Part of him wanted to get away from Nejire as fast as possible but another part of him was wanting her to ask him to stay.

"You don't have to go... I don't mind having you here with me you know?" Nejire replied, giving a warm smile towards Tamaki as she took another bite of the food. Speaking up again once she swallowed the bite. "Also there is a lot of food here you can share it with me." She smiles at him warming.

Tamaki turned to look towards Nejire before moving back to the bed and sitting on the bottom edge, "No no I....couldn't... I brought it for you..." He spoke softly feeling the blush creep back up on his cheeks. He found himself staring, indigo eyes staring towards the bluenette as she smiled. Everything about her had become more alluring to him but why? Something seemed off with her but at the same time everything about her seemed to be more confident.

"You are really awesome, you know that, Amajiki! I am so glad we are best friends." Nejire's comment was harmless to say the least but there was an undertone of darkness that wanted to come through. A slightly twisted smile formed but changed quickly. "You are really nice. Taking care of me like this....instead of being with your boyfriend. You sure you don't like me?" She teased the elf male sitting with her on the bed.

Tamaki felt his face light up brightly at the comment. His pointed ears even felt hot from the embarrassed blush he had gotten. "Hadou... look w-we've been over this...and I have M-Mirio now..." he said sheepishly.

A villainous thought crossed Nejire's mind but she pushed it away staring towards Tamaki lovingly. " are here with me...Amajiki. That has to count for something doesn't it?" The bluenette spoke with a giggle before returning to the food he had brought her.

"....uh...." Fidgeting where he sat, Tamaki felt uneasy at her pointing that out. He had come without Togata and had gotten enough food to share with Nejire but chickened out when she offered. She was catching onto his feelings and he wondered if he should back out. "Um...H-Hadou I have to go...." He said softly standing up from his spot on the bed.

Nejire watched as the male left closing the door behind him before letting her smile drop rolling her eyes. Standing up from her bed the bluenette looked towards the mirror pushing the blue locks back. "Ugh... How does she deal with all of this hair!" An annoyed sigh escaped the pale pink lips. Pulling out her phone Nejire made a call to someone.

"How's the mission going Toga?" A raspy voice came through the speaker of the phone into Nejire's ear. "I assume it is going well..."

"Yeah, they don't suspect anything but I will be needing more blood soon to keep this form going." Toga spoke as she pushed her cheek up some and rolled her eyes. "Also, There is a cute boy that I might be able to turn to join us if I really tried~" She chimed out proud to have the thought of getting someone else to join them.

"Just focus on the mission, Toga. Don't get distracted." Shigaraki said and the sound of scratching can be heard. "I will have Kurogiri leave some of the girl's blood. Once she breaks you won't have to keep posing as a hero." He said before hanging up the phone.

"I--" Toga didn't get to speak again before Shigaraki hung up on her and she released a sigh. "Rude...." She muttered under her breath before looking towards the food on the bed picking it up and throwing it away before walking towards the door. "I can't get the information just by staying here. Let's go see what this school has to offer shall we~"

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