Part 8 Just free me

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Nejire opened her eyes once more, sweat running down her body as her head of blue locks felt a lot heavier than normal. She could barely keep her head up to look at Shigaraki who was grinning clearly taking pleasure in seeing her in pain. The shocking ended but her body was still sore; her left side was throbbing from the opened decayed hole from the male. Blood was pouring out of the wound still the bluenette didn't cry. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction but she needed to figure out how to get out of here.

"Dabi, burn her." Shigaraki spoke in his usual raspy voice.

"Whatever..." Dabi spoke with a roll of his blue orbs before his gaze fell on the helpless female. He had lied to Hawks about returning her for information and now he was helping Shigaraki torture her, why? What information could she provide now? "Are you just wanting her to cry out in pain? There is no use of her anymore... she gave us the information that Toga needed to get to the child... so what else are you planning to get out of her?" Was the male trying to avoid burning her? No, he wanted to avoid hurting her all together. Hawks already wouldn't be happy with the flame user if she ever found out another Nejire handed over was Toga.

"Did I ask you to question me? I have my such a pretty face when in pain..." Shigaraki spoke with a sadistic chuckle.

"Uh gag....if I didn't know any better I'd think you've fallen for her...." Dabi commented leaving it at that. "So you just want to see her in pain? What a waste of my time...." He turned and walked away.

"Dabi! Don't you walk away from me! Come back here!" Shigaraki called after him and started to chase after him but a noise caught his attention.

A calm mature voice came out of the shadows after clearing his throat. "I think you should let him can do what is needed to her without him." He spoke in a mature tone.

Nejire lifted her head slightly looking towards Shigaraki and Kurogiri now listening to them talk. Dabi had decided against helping Shigaraki which caused her to wonder why.

"You are usual Kurogiri." Shigaraki replied in a raspy voice looking towards Nejire licking his lips.

Letting her head hang again and closed her blue hues thinking for a moment as she listened to the footsteps growing closer. Has it really only been two full days of being here? The way things have been she hadn't slept except for the times she passed out from the pain only to be awoken by more pain or water. She had been thinking in between the different painful sessions and she had an idea how to get out but she wasn't sure she had the energy for it.

"Well, hero..." Shigaraki spoke his hand touching her cheek keeping his middle finger up and chuckled making her look him in the eyes. "Ready to continue?"

Taking a deep breath in before looking at him Nejire's light blue irises looks over Shigaraki's form. Resting over his face was the hand and even in the pain her body was in curiosity was still there. "Are you...gonna the hand....stays on your....face?" She asked him through pained gasps softly and smiled towards him sweetly.

Shigaraki growls under his breath. That smile sickened him and at the same time he enjoyed it. He really thought it suited her. The light blue orbs seemed so full of life and his own red irises met hers. He just stared for a moment before looking away and moved his hand away from her face. "Seriously? You are a pain in my ass! Why are you smiling?!"

Nejire lets her head fall, blue locks hanging on either side of her face hiding her face as the smile dropped. "Why...?" She questioned. "Well...because I am a hero in training.... you can break my body...decay my flesh....but you won't break me..." She spoke so weakly as she closed her eyes. "Don't you smile? Everyone should make the world...better.... Life is short....and can end at any moment.....for a villain....or a hero...." It was hard for her to talk but she continued to speak softly to Shigaraki. "So why....waste your time...frowning...and being...mad? can smile....and make someone.... else's day better?" She said and looked back up at him smiling at him again.

Shigaraki listened to her words quietly watching her and noticed the smile once more. She was in so much pain he could hear it in the tone of her voice yet she was still smiling. And her words were the sweetest thing he has ever heard. "What do you know about life and death and suffering?" He growled out.

The anger in his tone Nejire could tell something from his past has made him bitter. She kept her smile towards him but let it fade. "Shigaraki-kun.... listen I don't know...what you went through...but you have anger burning in you... no titles here. I am a person, you are a person. No hero, no villain. Talk to me...Shigaraki-kun... what is your story?" Even the airhead knew that there was a story for everyone some worse than others that make them who they are today.

"..." Shigaraki was slightly taken back by the question, his widened eyes staring towards her. "You really are stupid aren't you? Why would I tell you anything?" His raspy voice hissed out. "You might try all you want about getting me to free you by acting like my friend or whatever you wanna call it you stupid hero but I am not that gullible." He shook his head annoyed.

She wanted to try and get him to open up but he wasn't going to trust her and she couldn't waste the little energy she had on it. She needed to save her energy if she was going to get out of here. "I see." She said softly as she forced a yawn out. "Must be getting late..."

Shigaraki's red hues glare towards her as he reaches out grabbing her right hip, decaying the skin just as he had her other side. He stared into her eyes. "Even if it is, I am not done with you, pathetic hero."

She grit her teeth before letting out a soft cry from the pain of her skin flaking off and revealing the muscle under it. She stared back into his eyes. Kurogiri spoke up once again, "Don't you think it is about time for your meeting?" Who was this guy? He didn't seem like he was completely bad, this isn't the first time he intervened.

Shigaraki growled softly as he pulled his hand back and walked towards the door. "I am not finished with you! I will be back." He warned as he left the door slamming shut and locking behind him.

Nejire was now in the room by herself but she was done. She looked up at the chain and used a burst of shockwave energy to blast the ceiling and let the hook around the chain she was wearing drop her. She fell to the ground with a hard thud and a soft groan getting up to her feet dragging the chains around her wrists with her. She looked around for her clothes before sighing softly. She ran to the door and stayed hidden behind it waiting quietly.

She heard footsteps coming towards the door not too long after and her first thought was, 'Short Meeting.' The door opened and the burnt black haired pyromaniac that entered. She stared towards him from behind the door before slipping out carefully closing the door behind her and locking it as he was turning around. She looked down the hallway and looked around. She needed to be careful.

Moving down the hallway to the first door she listened to any movement that would be from within before opening it slowly and peeks in. It was empty but looked like a bedroom. She slipped into it and closed the door behind her before looking around. She saw a chair at a desk grabbing it and shoving it under the doorknob to keep anyone from getting in, easily anyways. She grabbed some clothes from the closet sliding on a black long sleeved shirt and some baggy pants, She sighed softly as the pants wouldn't stay up and looked at the bed taking the sheet off it. She tears it and makes it into a skirt. She ties it on before looking out the window. She opened the window and looked around before looking at the drop. Taking a deep breath she jumps out of the window and uses another small burst of the shockwave energy to keep her from hitting the ground hard. Standing on her feet she took off running and her sides were burning as the cloth from the sheet was rubbing her open wounds from the decayed skin.

Thanks to someone she saw as an enemy but not an ally she was able to find a place to rest out. When she awoke she felt more energized and even found her school uniform. She stood up and changed into her clothes and headed out to head towards UA. She needed to find Toga and save her from getting Eri. The sun was setting finally and she rushed towards UA. Arriving at the gates Nejire realized now that.she didn't have her badge on her, Toga had it. She growled softly and looked at the top of the gate. "I'm sorry." She would never break the rules but this was an emergency, Eri was in danger. She used her shockwave energy to boost herself in the air and over the fence before landing on the other side.

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