(Part 10) Just Another Day

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A silent alarm went off when Eri left thanks to a bracelet Aizawa had made for her. It sends out a notification to him whenever she leaves the campus in any way after 5 feet away from the gate and fence around the campus. His phone went off and he stopped his class calling Nezu and ran out of the classroom. "Hado took Eri off campus! She didn't mention to me she was going too and she wouldn't do something like that! Get a team I am going out to search!" He was silently cursing himself because he didn't make sure Nejire was who she said she was. He was late and she seemed like Nejire. God his slip up could cause Eri her life and that would kill him. He was going to lose someone else because he messed up! He was running as fast as he could.

Tamaki noticed Mirio stepping into class and the blonde went over to kiss him. Tamaki pushed him back and looked away. "Don't you kiss me." He said in a soft angry tone.

Mirio blinked confused. "Why not, sunshine?" He asked grinning. "Playing hard to get?" He chuckled.

Tamaki punched him hard and glared at him. "Don't call me sunshine! You hurt me Mirio! I thought you loved me." He raised his voice some which was out of term for the dark haired male.!

Mirio's eyes widened and the punch didn't hurt but he could see the tears in Tamaki's eyes and that made his heartache as he reached out and touched the other's cheek. "What's wrong...?"

Tamaki glared and knocked his hand away, "What's wrong? You slept with Hado!" He stared at Mirio in the eyes. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he lowered his head and moved to the closest wall resting his head against it. "I-I kn-knew you were too good f-for me....b-but I h-hoped when you s-said yes...you would have tr-treated me...with some respect...."

Mirio frowned as he looked over at the darker haired male. He wanted to comfort him and he wanted to say something but the teacher stepped in. She yelled at them and told them to go to Nezu's office for disrupting her class.

The argument had gotten them both kicked out of class and sent to Nezu but they had seen him scampering down the hallway and Mirio went after him while Tamaki stayed back but eventually went too. He wanted to know what was going on too.

Nezu's eyes widened hearing Aizawa's voice and the slight panic. He cared for Eri, hell most of the school cared for that girl. He called the police getting some of the force over to the campus. "Commissioner, we need some heroes at UA right now. It is Urgent! The little girl that we have custody of has been taken off campus and we believe it wasn't by a student!" Nezu announced to him and the commissioner sent over Hawks and Endeavor. In the courtyard, Nezu stood with all the teachers on the campus, plus Hawks and Endeavor and the police forces they sent over. "Thank you all for coming here in such a timely manner! Eri had been taken off campus and Eraserhead believes it wasn't a student! I need the pro heroes to scatter over the city and search for her and if the police can track the security cameras heading east!" He pressed a button on his phone and showed them the video of the schools security cameras. It showed Nejire Hado carrying Eri off campus.

Hawks raised her hand up some. "No offense Nezu, but isn't that Nejire Hado? She is a student here. She just got out of the hospital recently." Hurt picked at the corner of the winged hero's eyes. It was at the end of the mission debriefing and she was faced with the conclusion that Dabi must have betrayed her. It shattered her heart, realizing the pain that came with her job. Getting close to him had to be her biggest regret now. They had worshiped the ground each other's feet had tread on, he put her life before hers, and she had done the same. How could he?

Tamaki and Mirio got to the courtyard and were listening to Nezu talk before seeing the video. More anger boiled in Tamaki seeing Nejire, that wasn't his friend, she had now become his enemy. Mirio's eyes widened as he gasped softly seeing her and heard Hawks speak. How could Nejire do this? Why didn't she tell Aizawa she was taking Eri out? This was going to get her in a lot of trouble and he felt some guilt but why?

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