Part 6 Pick Me

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Toga makes her way outside of the dorms to the courtyard where the sun was still shining just barely over the horizon leaving the sky a very pretty blue with orange and pink around it's form. Still looking like Nejire, no one seemed to suspect she wasn't Toga was able to use this to move around the campus with ease. She was looking for information that could assist the League with the whereabouts of Eri.

"Hadou? What are you doing out and about? shouldn't you be on bed rest?" A strong male's voice came from behind her.

Turning around blue irises lock onto the blonde hero, Mirio Togata. Toga had the information given to her from Nejire before the 'freedom'. "Oh, Hey Togata... I just need to stretch. I am taking it easy as I have been told, but even then I can't just be lazy around you know?" She giggled.

Staring towards the bluenette for a moment after that giggle, Mirio finally gave her a smile and a soft chuckle. There was something off about the giggle that was different from Nejire's giggle. He left it to the fact she went through so much in the past few days. "Oh, yeah I know you don't like to be cooped up in your room but it is for the best..." He said, smiling at her. "We don't need you wondering off and getting hurt again."

"Of course! Of course. Yeah haha." Nejire rubs her arm before placing her hands behind her back. Mirio Togata would be the student to have the information she needed to find Eri. "So, Togata! How are you doing today hm? I do hope you are well." She said, stepping closer to him. Toga decided to use Nejire's looks to help her try and charm the blonde before her. Reaching out touching her soft hand to his shoulder. "You are so strong, Togata."

Mirio was watching Nejire grabbing onto her hand and pushed it back gently, this was completely off from the way the female normally acted. Could he really push that aside? He had too. There was no proof that this wasn't and she was just playing a part to be strong. He didn't trust her though and that was a problem for him. "Hadou...what are you doing?" He asked softly but sternly. "You know I am with Amajiki..."

"Well, yes I know but I also know that I enjoy hanging out with you and sometimes it gets hard to contain my feelings when I am around you... I could have died and you would never have known..." Toga spoke hoping that would help sway the blonde male as she reached over grabbing onto Mirio's red tie playing with it some and bites her lower lip looking into his eyes.

Mirio couldn't deny that Nejire was beautiful and he had been trailing her for a while but when he finally moved on, now she wanted to do this? Did she really not notice the signs when he tried? His cheeks heated up and he blushed looking to the side moving his hand up and rubbing the back of his head. "Hadou... I love hanging out with you too... I am with Amajiki though... I tried to get you all those times before...and you didn't seem interested...then Amajiki said he had to reject you..." He started talking about the whole situation that happened beforehand.

"Well, you know Togata... I am not very good with seeing that people like me unless they are direct with me..." Toga had picked up Nejire being a ditz and was playing off of that fact to try and play off the reasoning of her not seeming interested before. If this goes the way she planned Toga could have Mirio trailing after the bluenette again but it could also go wrong if he was as into her as he seems to have been.

"I know, I was never direct with it but I stopped after you mentioned that you were happy we were friends...when I was trying to be direct..." Mirio said, glancing at her over again. He had a nagging feeling at the back of his heart and his mind. This Nejire was off but he couldn't put his finger on how. She was happy and smiling like the female was known for but the flirting was new. He took her hand off his tie. "Go back to your room Hadou... I will come to see you tomorrow with breakfast okay?" He gave her a warm smile but really he didn't trust her.

What was this feeling of distrust? Mirio couldn't place his finger on it or why he was feeling it towards the bluenette. Nejire was one of his best friends and he did trail after her for a while their first and second year but he finally moved on and started to date others before giving a chance with Tamaki because he wasn't completely sure what he was into. Now Nejire came back from being attacked from the league and was being flirty with him. He didn't deny it was tempting but he couldn't do that to the shy boy.

Toga watched the blonde for a moment before giving out a soft huff. "Alright Togata, I will see you tomorrow and we can talk more about this... My encounter with the League has shown me that I need to follow my heart.... I need to talk to you about this and we need to figure out what to do about it..." Speaking in Nejire's voice but sounding sad the female took her leave from the blonde male. She went back into the dorms and rolled her eyes as she went back up to her room.

Stepping inside the room again Toga felt her quirk growing weak anyways and the gray slug fell off her body onto the floor. She looked towards the ground and made a face at it but went over to the mirror and brushed her blonde locks back putting them up on a bun. Tomorrow she will get Mirio in her palms of her hands and it will be easy to find where Eri was. She wondered where Kurogiri was with the blood she needed.

Picking up her phone and calling Shigaraki once more, the blonde female was checking herself out in the mirror. "Heyyyy Shigaraki~ Do you have the blood I need? My quirk ran out." She said with a giggle. "But I found the blonde boy she was talking about. I will get what we are in search of soon~"

"That is great news....soon it will be game over for the heroes...." Shigaraki's raspy voice came through the phone as he was tapping his fingers on the bar faintly crying in the background. "Yeah we got your damn blood Kurogiri will be dropping it off outside the room. Send your coordinates to me so he knows where." He said before hanging up on her again.

Click. Toga let out a long sigh before hanging up her phone and started figuring out where she was and sent a text out to Shigaraki. "You are a rude man. Always hanging up on me like that...." She said softly before going over to the bed and sitting down on it. What was she supposed to do? She couldn't really leave the dorm room since she didn't look like Nejire right now. She wondered what they were doing to the Bluenette, hopefully it involved her bleeding a lot more than what was needed for the blonde to transform into her again.

The thought of torture made the blonde giggle with glee and a crazed smile form over her lips. All the things they could be doing to Nejire to break her only seemed to excite Toga more. It kept the female occupied enough for enough time to pass that the portal of Kurogiri appeared and the shadow himself came through with a jar of blood handing it over to Toga. "Thank you!" Toga spoke out happily taking the blood but figured she should drink it tomorrow. She checked the lid and it was sealed on tight and she smiled towards him. Kurogiri said nothing to her and just stepped back through and the portal closed.

Toga looked out at the night sky and decided she needed to get some rest for tomorrow was going to be another day of pretending to be the bluenette. Laying down in the bed and stretching she pulled the blankets over her and nuzzled into the pillow. It was so comfy and soon the blonde began to drift to sleep. 

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