Chapter 16: The End

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READ: This the end of this book but this Thursday May 21st I will be doing a sequel of this called Jiara's wedding. I will post on Thursday on this book when it is up.

Song: Take On The World by You Me At Six.

JJ's Pov

We all go into the chateau, John B looks around to see if anything has changed. But I didn't change anything because I knew my best friend was alive.

John B: "You guys didn't change anything." He pointed out.

JJ: "We knew you were out there." JJ admitted.

Sarah: "Can we go to the police station? I wanna tell the truth about Rafe and my dad." She stated.

Pope: "Of course we can go, the van's in the backyard." He explained.

We all head out to the back of the house and John B and I sit upfront while Kie sits right behind me so she can hold my hand. I feel her starts to trace circles on my hand and then she does a heart. She then kisses it and I was like is she really trying to tease me right now. I look back to see what Pope and Sarah are doing. Pope's reading like always and Sarah's looking out the window. I then lean back and kiss Kie's cheek, she's the most beautiful person I have ever met. Even her personality is golden and she's a walking goddess among us.

Kiara: "I love you." She murmered.

JJ: "And I love you more than life itself, because wherever you are is where I wanna be because you are my home and my future." I reply.

Kiara: "You are the best boyfriend ever." She states.

JJ: "I know." I say sarcastically.

Kiara: "Is it okay that when you propose to me that we don't rush to have a wedding like quickly cause I'll probably be in college?"

JJ: "We can get married when ever you want." I say as I look into her beautiful beautiful brown eyes.

We finally get to the police station and we all walk in. Heads turn and they start to whisper as they see John B and Sarah. Then Shoupe appears and takes us in his office.

Shoupe: "I'm glad you two are fine. John B, I believe you, you would never kill Sheriff Peterkin. She was helping you with your DCS case and I started to think about it and I knew that Ward wasn't telling the truth. But then Rafe broke down when we arrested him and he confessed and told us everything. Then we brought your dad in and he stuck to the same story as he always have but when we told him what Rafe said. I told him he was going to jail for murder, stealing the gold, and perjury. The murder for your father John B, and for him lying under oath. As for your brother, Sarah murder of a Sheriff and lying under oath. I just have one question. Did you find the Royal Merchant gold kid?" He asked looking at John B.

John B: "Yeah I did. Ward sent it to the bahamas and we got saved by a ship that was going to Nassau. We went to the Cameron's storage unit down there and there was all of it in a crate. We found it in a patch in a well under the Crain house. Then Ward took it and sent it to Bahamas. As I said we got it and Pope, JJ, and Kie came to find us and we went to a pawn shop and we got the money." He explained.

Shoupe: "The money is yours and son your father would have been proud of you for finding his dying wish."

Sarah: "I was there Shoupe and I saw it. I saw my own brother Rafe Cameron kill Sheriff Peterkin. And my father covered up his tracks and blamed it on John B so he could end up in prison and so that my father could get the Royal Merchant gold. I hate my father and my brother." She sobbed.

Shoupe: "I got all of that on tape so that you guys won't half to face them in court." He says standing up and clicking the stop button.

Shoupe: "Oh, yeah you all are innocent of your crimes and the Royal Merchant gold is yours. You guys deserve it." He adds.

Pope: "Thanks Shoupe."

Shoupe: "It's actually now Sheriff Shoupe and Ward is going away for at least 20 years but he won't last that long in prison but if he does you guys can get restraing orders. Rafe will probably get 25 years and if he gets out you can get a restraing order. You guys are free to go." He insisted as he hold the door open for us.

We all walk out speechless.

Pope: "So we are all free and the gold's ours!!!" He exclaimed.

John B: "Yeah were filthy rich." He pointed out."

JJ: "How are we going to do the split."

Sarah: "Split it 5 ways 80 million for each of us."

Kiara: "It sounds good to me."

Pope, JJ, and John B: "Sounds good."

We all head back to John B's.

JJ: "Hey, Kie I wanna talk to you for a minute." I said before she got out of the van with everybody else.

Kiara: "What's on your mind baby." She asks as we sit in the back together.

JJ: "When we turn 18 we are gonna get a medium size house, 4 bed, 2 and 1/2 bath. I'm gonna propose and then we are having are 4 kids. We are going ot love them so much. I love you so so much and you make so happy. I don't even care about the money as long as I'm with you, I have everything I have ever dreamed for."

Kiara and JJ (Netflix's Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now