Chapter 15

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Ava woke up first again. She could tell that Tristan was still well and truly asleep. For once their little friend was still slumbering with him. She got up and dressed herself in her now dry clothing. The early morning air was still cool and crisp and even a little misty. Why had she conjured up the image of man-eating mists from old horror movies? Now she couldn't look at the mist without getting a little shiver down her spine.

Just when she thought that she'd survived the morning without their usual wood, blood rushed to her loins and a tent formed in her trousers. She glared at the appendage. It really was getting on her nerves that the darn thing kept coming and going without permission. At least the morning erections did not leave her feeling... aroused, but they were thick and full and took a while to go away. She thought about the fact that she could feel blood rushing to her nethers before it happened. Perhaps she could get it down by redirecting the blood to other muscles? She decided to do a few pushups and see if that helped.

Ava was amazed at the strength of Tristan's body. She'd always respected that men generally were quite strong, but to actually feel it compared to what she knew was incredible. By the time she'd completed sixty pushups in a row and her arms and shoulders were starting to fatigue, their morning glory was starting to sag. Spurred on by her success, she decided to see what else his body was capable of. She tried a plank. It was beyond easy, so she switched to a hollow body hold. Even that was easy, so she picked up a rock about the size of his head and raised and lowered it above her while she held her body like a boat. After about 18 reps she started to feel a nice burn in her core. She decided to switch to twists with the rock. The combination of the two exercises decimated her abdominals – a feeling that she loved. She switched back to the pushups, going until she just about couldn't push anymore. After that she wondered if she could muscle up over a tree branch with his strength, so she gave it a try. The first three attempts weren't successful because she couldn't quite get the timing right, but the fourth was. After that she threw in another four reps with difficulty, then went back to working her core. Her legs and butt were still feeling the effects of riding, so she decided to stick to other body groups for now. Their morning surprise was well and truly gone by the end of the second round, but Ava was enjoying the feeling of power that she was getting from Tristan's body, so she kept going.

She was halfway through the sixth round when a groggy Tristan finally roused. By then she'd pushed his body so hard that she was struggling to complete her make-shift workout. Everything felt shaky and tired.

'Gads, woman, what hath thee been doing to us?' Tristan grumbled sleepily.

'I found a great way to take care of our morning problem,' Ava replied brightly.

'Thee... what?' Tristan took a quick glance at his nether region.

It was completely flaccid, and he felt exhausted. What had she done to them? Worse still, what delightful experiences had he missed out on?

Ava almost slapped him. 'It wasn't anything like that. Sheesh!' she growled.

Tristan was well and truly confused by her response. He couldn't quite fathom how he could be so fatigued if that wasn't the case. It was almost like he'd spent a day in battle. His arms felt like lead.

"Might I offer you a suggestion?" Rowan asked as he stretched his arms out lazily and sat up.

Tristava turned to look at him in response. The bemused expression on his face told them that he'd been quietly observing at least some, if not all, of Ava's antics. Ava blushed to think that he'd been lying there quietly watching her. To him, she supposed, her efforts must have looked rather bizarre.

"Get thee a wife," Rowan offered.

"Pardon me, Sir?" Tristan spat back with surprise.

"Any man that exerts that much effort first thing in the morning is either aiming for glory, or has an overwhelming undercurrent of passion that must be seen to. Since you do not seem to be the former, I assume it must be the latter that drives you," Rowan surmised.

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