Play time

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Hello my lovelies soooo I know there was a little confusion on why I would make todo be so angry and talk about Baku's "parental problems" considering everything but trust me it will all make much more sense in the future of the story! I also want everyone to know that everything bakugou does and calls kirishima is COMPLETELY CONSENSUAL. Nowwww it's chapter time:)


Kirishima's POV

I pull open the door to my apartment and am soon lifted off my feet with my Explosion Kings arms wrapped around me. "Come now kitty I've been here before no need for the formal introduction"he says as he puts me down and picks his bag from the floor. I walk around him and close the door and as I turn around I am faced with my very own extremely hot boyfriend, inches from my face. "So kitty what are we going to be doing for the rest of the day?" He asks as he licks his lips and leans in for a kiss. I put my head sideways so that instead of kissing my lips he kisses my cheek. "Hmmm sorry my explosion king no play time today" I say with a smirk as I go to sit on my couch but making sure to swing my hips and show off my ass as much as I could. "Your playing a dangerous game kitty, lets see how long you can last"

He sits next to me and places his hand on my nee. You see it would be fine but it's there and it's like he's taunting me. Two can play this game my explosion king. "So how about a movie. It would be our first time having a movie night together. Fitting how it's also out first night together, hm?" I say to him as I smirk looking at his composed face, well except for his eyes which raged with anger. This is going swimmingly. "Sounds great, what movie?" He asks me as he removes his hand from my nee running his hand through his spiky hair. "Hmmmm pick a number 1-3" I ask him going to Netflix. "3" he responds with a look of something more. "Hmmm good choice my explosion king. Tonight we are watching beauty and the beast"

Bakugou's POV

I swear this boy is driving me crazy over here. It's half way through the film and he hasn't done anything, why did I haft to go out with a brat (okay but like my dom feels that). I look over to him to see him smirking as he watches the movie. He knows he is getting to me. Well let's see how you take this. I put my arm around him and pull him close, but considering My arm span is long I reach around and grab his throat but not applying any pressure. "Now kitty I think it's time for daddy to have his fun, if I squeeze to hard tap my hand once to loosen up and tap it twice to completely stop okay?" I tell him as I slowly lick his neck. He nods in response and let's out shaky breathes. "Now come sit on daddies lap" I say as I release my grip from his neck.

He does as he is told and is facing towards the tv but on my lap. I slowly bring my index finger up and down his spine to feel him shiver. I let out a dark chuckle as he tightens the more I continue. I quickly grab his throat and pull his back towards my chest. He lifts his head giving me more room for my hand. "Tsk tsk tsk as much as I love the extra room baby, keep your eyes on the movie you wanted to watch it after all. " he gives a groan and I squeeze harder on his throat. He slowly brings his head down and stares at the film. I reach my other arm around his torso and slightly touch the bulge of his pants. "Hmm someone got excited didn't he" I say in a Taunting voice. I give it a few squeezes and he lets out hard breathes and moans every time I do. He said he wanted to play, so let's play.

I release the hand from his throat and from his bulge and grab his hips picking him up and placing him next to me again. I wrap my arm around him and focus back in on the movie.

Kirishima's POV

HOW DARE HE! Look I realize I started it but really he basically just cockblocked me. My own frigin boyfriend! I let out a huff and watch the rest of the movie.

——after the movie——

"That was a good movie ba-" he starts to say but I cut him off with a list filled kiss. I crawl onto his lap and grind slowly on his growing bulge. "Hmmm looks like I won kitty" he says as he grabs my ass squeezing it. I let out a huff and cross my arms, stopping all movement. "Who said you could stop" he says but unlike his normal soft cold this one was dark. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. In his eyes he was dead serious, this was his complete dominance over me. I felt my need go weak and my eyes drifted away from him. "Look at me kitty" he says as he grabs my throat squeezing hard but too a liking. "Now you get two options kitty, get 6 spankings with the belt or get 16 with my hand." He squeezes his hand a little harder the more he talks and I start to let out shaking breathes.

I tap his hand once and he softens his gaze and his grip just a little bit. "Answer baby boy" he says as he looks at me again with his cold dark gaze. "6 with the belt" I say, he raises his eyebrows at that response. "Now kitty manners" he says showing a smirk on his face knowing it will only make me harder. "Please daddy" I say as I keep my eyes locked onto him. He gives a pleasing smile and releases the hand from my throat. I let out a sigh of relief, butt soon after I'm picked up and placed on the couch. He stands and takes of the black leather belt that his around his waist. He sits back down and pulls me over his nee. He folds the belt and slowly rubs it on my ass. "Now remember kitty if it gets to much say ocean and I will stop." He says with a caring tone. I nod my head and the first hit comes to me, and fuck did it hurt

—5 more spanks later—

Bakugou's POV

I pull his boxers over his red ass ( trust me jeans over that does not feel good) and lift my baby boy up and have him sit on my lap. His face is tear stained and he buries his head in my shoulder. "Shh it's okay baby, you did so good" I say to him and he leans into me more. I rub his back and the growing welts on his ass. "Do you wanna go to bed baby?" I ask him and he gives me a nod in my shoulder. "Okay wrap your legs around me please" he does as I tell him and I place an arm on his back and the other on the bottom of his thigh to support him. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his face into my neck.

We walk to his room and I place him down onto the bed. I change out of my pants and shirt so I'm just in boxers and crawl into bed with him. He cuddles up to me and wrap my arms around him. I give him a kiss on the head and say...

"goodnight my prince".

Andddd there goes another chapter! I'm sorry for being so late but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Also I want to make it completely clear to people that may not be into BDSM or just don't really know about it. Everything they are doing is completely consensual that is why a safe word is established. I know punishments for some are hard to read because it could seem like abuse. Every BDSM couple should have limits that each other respect. If they do not respect those limits or they are not discussed than that could lead to very severe abuse! Please please please if you are in a relationship if it's BDSM related or not if the other partner is not respecting your boundaries than get help! From personal experience please never be afraid to speak up for yourself! And yes this is a dom/sub relationship! That is all my lovelies sooo please be safe and I will see you in the next chapter:)💕💕💕

~words: 1492

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