1 - tns west

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Michelle's POV

Things didn't have to be this way. 

If only Emily was more accepting of dancers that weren't classically trained, then I wouldn't have quit A-Troupe. I know it sounds crazy, but I've started up my own troupe: TNS West. Miss Kate was quite open to the idea and allowed me to use Studio A. Emily, on the other hand, didn't take this very well.

She stood before me with an expectant look. I ran my tongue over my lips nervously and met her eyes. "I'm quitting A-Troupe."
Again, she flashed me a smile, but her eyes were filled with uncertainty. "What do you mean? No one quits A-Troupe."

Her words still echo in my head to this very day. The fury on her face was unmistakable. Miss Kate only wanted to create friendly competition between our troupes. To us, it was the start of a war.
There was a knock on the door.
"Michelle, you okay there?"
Feeling slightly taken aback, my phone fell onto the table with a clunk.
A familiar face wavered in my vision. 


After forming TNS West, I needed someone to help me out. West became the choreographer of my team.
Ironic, isn't it? TNS West?

"Me? Of course."
He eyed me carefully. If he could tell that something was up, he didn't let it show on his face. "Just letting you know, I dismissed the dancers five minutes ago."

I exhaled. "Everyone's up to speed on the choreo?"

West responded with a curt nod. "We've got most of the dance done, then I need to clean it before I show it to you. Anyway, I gotta head home. And Michelle?"


"If you need someone to talk to, you can call me." Before I could reply, he sauntered out of the room. 

I lifted my phone from my desk. The screen flashed with a new notification. My eyes remained focussed on one thing. The wallpaper of my lock screen. 

Three of our smiling faces in the frame. Riley, Emily and I. We took this on the day Riley announced her plans on studying law. This meant that Emily was now studio head. The three of us spent time in the new café that replaced Java Junction.  It was the only time I stepped into Neutral Grounds. Now I haven't bothered going back.

I don't want to cause any drama if I bump into her there. Not that I plan to anyway.

Hi everyone, you've made it to the end of the first chapter for this book! I'm excited to see what this book will bring for you all, as I was inspired to write this when I was listening to the song 'Issues' by Julia Michaels.

This book will be a further insight to season 5 (with Michemily as the highlight if you didn't realise). 

Sometimes a rivalry doesn't always stay a rivalry. In times of strife, everyone needs to work together. Even those who don't particularly get on well...

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