5 - over the line

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Michelle's POV
Where should I start? The moment where I did something that I didn't expected myself to do or how much Elliot is bringing our team up? His technique and fluidity is purely breathtaking. I get the sense that a few of the dancers aren't exactly a big fan of him, but they need to see that he's a great asset to our team. Well, we kinda needed more dancers anyway.

As I stand in the corridor between Neutral Grounds and the two studio rehearsal spaces. It feels strange to be hear tonight. It's not even that late. I held up my phone to check the time. Five minutes to seven. The real question is: why am I even here two hours after my troupe's rehearsal? Maybe there's something about Studio One that's calling to me. Like I'm supposed to be there. But I can't.

This time it seems more urgent and I can't ignore that feeling. I promise that this will be the only time I'll cross the line. I'm not taking anymore chances besides this one. I head towards the doorway to Studio One, my footsteps softly pattering on the floor.

I reached the entrance that opened to the rehearsal space of the studio. It's amazing how different and fresh it is compared to Studio A. Not that I'm complaining. Studio A has magic that's simply irreplaceable. 

My hand trails along the wall on my left and I hear a muffled sob. Is that...Emily?

I peered around the doorway, her face hidden in her arms. Emily's shoulders shook ever so slightly. "Hey, Emily... What's wrong?"

The blonde lifts her head up. Her tear stained face red. "I'm fine, just go."

"No," the word slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Get out."

"I'm not leaving you here like this."

"Get out! I don't wanna talk!" her words were laced with malice. 

"You know what? Fine. I'll go. But I'll tell you this: I care about you a lot, so can't you see that I'm trying to help? If you don't want my help, then you're on your own now," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest and turned away.

When I take a glance back, I'm met with Emily's miserable eyes and I walked out of her studio.

The one question that I keep asking myself is: what have I done?

Michelle is the one who has decided to cross the line between East and West. It was a big risk that she took. 

But will Emily be so forgiving about it? Is Emily really 'fine' as she says?

Writing this chapter took me longer than I thought it'd take because I had writer's block ugh :( Anyways, drop your thoughts in the comments below!

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