7 - i can

326 7 8

Michelle's POV

We all wish we could do things that seem impossible. If you sit back and not doing anything about it, then of course nothing happens. Saying that is easy, but doing it is the real question. Can I?

I do want things to be different between Emily and I. I can't stand this divide between the two teams. Between us. This year really brought out the worst sides from both of us. I didn't agree with the changes she made, and she didn't like that I was against it. That's how we fell apart.

This morning, West noticed that something was up and for once, I gave in right away. There was no need to hide anything anymore. I told him how I had stepped into TNS east territory for the first time since the divide. Then, how I witnessed a broken Emily, who was a teary mess. I left out what I said, but filled him in on how defensive she was. Throughout the time I retold my story, West remained in deep thought as he let every word sink in.

He can be strange in his own quirky way. Although he's an insightful underneath it all.

"Girl crisises," West muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "I swear that females always have so much drama than males. Think about it! Y'all make a big fuss out of little things. Then once you finally solve things, all of you act as if it was nothing."

I gaped in awe. I didn't realise that he'd taken notice of all the drama from the years we were on A-troupe together. "I can't say you're wrong. Are you going to help me with what happened with Emily now?"

"See? I told you so," West tapped a finger to his forehead and said, "don't try jump into things too fast. You don't know, and I don't know what's going on in her life at the moment."

"Maybe I should..."

West shook his head, then waved a phone in my face. Wait a second, isn't that my phone? "Hello? We've got something amazing called a phone."

"Slow steps. Got it," and I tugged my phone from his grasp.

After a few attempts, my finger was hovering over the 'send' button. One simple message could change things for the better. I finally pressed it  and placed my phone on my desk. West raised his hands in a thumbs up. 

I smiled back at West and thought, I can.

I finally got on top of my writing schedule and prepared this chapter earlier than I usually would. Yay me😁 

Drop your predictions on what happens next!

Hope everyone has a good week <3

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