6 - i wish

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Emily's POV

Tears clung to the sides of my face as I watched her leave.
If only I had reacted differently.
If only I knew what to do.

Then maybe she'd still be here while I pour out my heart to her. Michelle's always been good at listening to people and that's what I need right now. A release from the weight bearing down on me. Maybe I'm not entirely ready for that yet. I'm still in a battle with my mind. It's difficult to know how to feel after losing an important person in my life.

An hour ago, I had gotten off a phone call to Riley. She broke the news that our father had passed away from a sudden heart attack. We were both sobbing into the phone. He didn't have any pre-existing conditions and I'm certain that he was perfectly healthy for his age, like our mother. Life can bring a lot of unexpected things. The good and the bad. Today, it had to be the bad.

Neither Michelle and I were exactly on speaking terms until now. I don't know what brought her here when it's already getting late to be at the studio. I usually leave after she does, but this time she stayed back.
Out of all days, what are the chances of that?

I must be dreaming, I thought and pinched myself. "Ouch!"

Shit, that hurt. I had to pinch myself that hard. So this is all real, isn't it?

My phone screen lights up with a new notification. I swiped it away, only keeping my eyes on the time. It's half past seven. I gotta go home. I don't plan on staying at the studio overnight.

I frenzily collected my belongings into my handbag and closed my office door behind me. After flicking off the lights, I locked the main doors to Studio A. Minutes later, I'm safely inside my car.

As I reverse out of the parking space, I switch the radio on. A new song begins to play.

"There is a swelling storm, and I'm caught up in the middle of it all"

Funny how this explains everything I'm feeling right now. I turn it up a little, letting his words drown out the silence of the world around me.

Here's the song that Emily was listening to:

It honestly matches the mood of this chapter. When I was writing it, one of Dean Lewis's other songs came up and then I realised that I could use one of his songs here. So there you go, Dean Lewis's Waves.

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