Chapter Eighteen

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I could not keep the smirk off my face as I finished unpacking the groceries and tidying up the kitchen. Skye still had not come out of her room. It felt good to know I had effectively scared her into staying away from me and my business. Fix things, my ass.

Who needed her? Cole and I were fine. It was all going to be okay and we did not need an arbitrator when we had been resolving our differences all by ourselves for years now.

I had to get ready for my flight and it sucked to have to leave before seeing him and saying a proper goodbye. Even if it was only for a few days.

Back in my room, I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up as I undressed and wrapped a towel around my hips. Usually, I would not bother with it but Little Miss. Perfect could walk out any second and I didn't want her to go around thinking I enjoyed flashing her or something.

"Wells." Cole sounded winded and unhappy. "What can I do for you?"

I rolled my eyes. The fucker. He got all formal and detached on my ass every time we had an argument but the thing that made me love him even more was that he never ignored me. He never could.

"I'm leaving in a couple of hours," I told him, heading towards the bathroom. "You sure you don't want to join me?"

"I can't. I have to work and I don't want Skye to feel alone when I leave the country."

Upon entering the bathroom, I tossed the towel on a rack. "She's not a little girl, Cole. She can handle herself."

He laughed humourlessly. "Oh, I know. Believe me, I know she ain't little." He paused. "I guess you would know too since you must have been thinking something along those lines when you took those pictures."

A growl rumbled in my chest. "I told you that meant nothing. Cole, stop being an ass. I love you, damn it. Say goodbye to me properly. I could drop by at work before going to the airport."

Come on, give me a little something. I have been starving for love for two weeks now.

"I'm sorry but I'm really busy. Have a safe flight though," was his flippant reply.

My fingers tightened around the phone. "Don't do this. I fucking miss you. You think I deserve to be treated like this?" I demanded, my voice growing hoarse.

He remained silent and it made me angry. Fucking hell.

"I let you have her," I continued in a tight voice. "I let you have whatever you wanted. Fucking handed you to her when it damn near killed me. And you can't even forgive me for something so insignificant?"

"I don't view you keeping my girlfriend's half naked pictures in your personal porn stash as insignificant."

"You're blowing this way out of proportion, man. I wouldn't touch your girlfriend if she was the last person on this earth, okay!" I yelled into the phone. "I don't give two fucks about her! You can't keep treating me like I'm the bad guy. You have been sleeping with her for a fortnight and I haven't said a word. I want you back."

He responded by hanging up on me. I stared at the phone in disbelief, feeling angry and out of breath. Shit. How could he do this to me? How could he believe I would stoop that low? I have loved him more than myself for years and this is what I get for it?

I didn't even recognise my lover anymore. He was not my Cole. He was hers now. The realisation made me want to howl out my pain but all that escaped me was a shattered breath.

Feeling even more pissed off, I tossed the phone on the vanity and turned on the shower, pounding my fist once against the tiled wall and hissing as pain shot through my hand. Why? Why would he do this to me? Had he forgotten how much he meant to me? That I was nothing without him? Just an angry, uptight version of myself.

Three's A Crowd. (Now Published On Amazon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt