Chapter Nineteen

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(Dedicated to  empty_blossom )


I was so consumed with guilt and so damn confused by the time Cole got home that evening that I actually faked a nap. I heard him calling my name softly, felt his gaze run over my body where I rested sideways on the bed and kept absolutely quiet and still while he went about showering, making himself something to drink and then turning on the TV.

I needed more than one day to sort out my feelings. Not only was I in love with Cole, I wanted and cared for his boyfriend as well.

There, I had admitted it. What made it even more complicated was the fact that Jasper seemed to have deeper feelings for me too. More than he had let on until today. It was as though a wall had been broken down between us and I had witnessed his vulnerability when it came to me and the guy seated on the living room couch at that moment.

Everything inside me screamed to come clean, tell my lover the truth but there was that tiny part of me that felt so scared he would hate me for it. He would finally realise I was not worth all the trouble and decide to let me go. After being loved and cherished so much by him, I wasn't sure I was ready to handle the pain of being dumped just because I could not control my hormones or my emotions.

Besides, the thing about Cole was that he was very possessive. That was an innate part of his nature and maybe it came from never having anyone to call his own until he had met us so he jealously guarded what belonged to him. I knew he wasn't the kind of guy who was okay with the idea of sharing Jasper with me or vice versa.

It was quite clear he hated it when Jasper looked at me and I was also aware of how uncomfortable he got when he saw me paying too much attention to his partner so expecting understanding from him regarding this was out of the question. Cole was an amazing guy but I did not want to test his limits.

Speaking of limits, I didn't want to test mine either. It was way too scary. Two men? How could that even be possible? I never imagined myself to be the ménage à trois type despite having read about it a lot. How would that even work? They were both so hot and demanding, they would eat me alive.

I shuddered at the image I created in my brain and tried not to allow the languid feeling that came over me to take control of my body. No. This was wrong. I had to stop. For Cole's sake. He deserved better. If Jasper could be faithful to him even during these trying times, I had no reason to stray when I was on the receiving end of so much love and devotion.

The thought gave me an idea. I sat up, feeling energized, and scrolled through my contact list to find Jasper's number. I had never used it despite Cole's insistence that I keep it in case there was some problem at the house and I could not get a hold of Cole.

Now I typed a quick text and hit send then waited for him to reply with my bottom lip caught between my teeth.

I've got an idea -Skye.

Oh my God, what if he didn't want to talk to me after the shower incident? What if he was back to hating my guts?

He actually had ammo against me now and could rat me out to Cole about how I had ambushed him in the bathroom and almost kissed him. That would be a surefire way to get me out of Cole's life and Cole would hate me so much, he would have no problem letting go this time. Dread curled around my heart at the thought.

Jasper wouldn't be that deceptive, would he? What if everything he had said to me in the bathroom was a ruse?

Just as I was about to put the phone down, I saw the incoming text. My heartbeats sped up in a way they definitely had no business doing so considering who the sender was.

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