Chapter Twenty

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Jasper groaned in satisfaction as he rolled off me and I lay there trying to catch my breath for a long minute. Damn. That was some make-up sex. I was beat.

"We should fight more often," I murmured sleepily into the mattress.

"No," he replied in a firm, no-nonsense tone. "We shouldn't."

I laughed a little and then turned to lie on my back and stare at the ceiling. "Fuck. I missed this."

He grunted. "You have no idea." There was a pause and then he added. "At least you were getting some."

I turned to study his flushed, handsome profile, taking it all in. He was here, lying next to me, talking to me, wanting me. It was like coming home. I belonged here. But...she belonged with me too. My chest clenched with pain when I thought of Skye in her room, alone. She was my sweet girl. My beautiful baby. Gorgeous, warm, caring. I missed her too.

Jasper glanced at me, took in my expression and narrowed his eyes a little. "What?"

I shook my head, blinked back the unexpected tears and tried a smile but I was sure it came out all wrong.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted," I said, my voice husky with emotion. "I got mad because I didn't want you to want her. I know that's selfish of me. You've been so great. But that concept of 'mine', let's just say I take it a little too seriously."

He was quiet and looked away from me as I talked and I wondered what he was thinking but was afraid to ask. He had not made a single sarcastic or rude comment about Skye since he returned hours ago and though I was glad that he did not seem to resent her as much, it also made me uneasy.

It had not escaped my attention when they had shared some sort of look when Jasper had first entered the house. I did not even want to think about what that meant.

"Jasper," I murmured and leaned over him, taking his mouth again. He responded at once, kissing me back with renewed hunger.

My hand drifted to his cock and I glided my fist from the base to its head firmly. He let out a strangled groan as he hardened again under my touch.

"This has been mine for so long," I whispered into his mouth, stroking him slowly. "The thought of it belonging to someone else makes me want to punch a hole in the wall."

"Yeah?" he growled. "Imagine how I must be feeling then. She had you for two fucking weeks. It's my turn now."

His tongue twisted around mine as he moved and pinned me underneath him, thrusting his hips smoothly into my hand. A growl rumbled in his massive chest and he broke the kiss to graze his teeth along the side of my neck.

"Harder," he demanded roughly and I tightened my hold. He blew out a breath, screwed his eyes shut and fucked my fist with a force that made my wrist hurt from gripping him. "Oh, fuck," he grated and I bit his ear in response.

If he had not pounded my ass twice already, I would have let him do it again but a pounding from Jasper was like hurtling across space at lightning speed. I needed more time to recover.

"Get on top of me," he gasped suddenly in the heat of the moment much to my surprise and delight. "I want you on top. Now."

Releasing his dick from my hold, I pushed him onto his back and mounted him. The uninhibited roar he let out as I pleasured him with my whole body made me think of Skye.

A gut instinct that came from loving someone too much and knowing them inside out told me she was not using her headphones to drown out our sounds but I was too busy making hard-core love to my boyfriend to explore that thought any further.


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Three's A Crowd. (Now Published On Amazon)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon