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Wassup fellow gays or any member of the lgbtq+ community! I need Ideas I dont have any please help, also Wtf:

thankyou all so much you dont know how much this means to me I'm really enjoying Harry Potter right now and I would like to make a book if you guys want to be in the book just submit the following and I will pick random!

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thankyou all so much you dont know how much this means to me I'm really enjoying Harry Potter right now and I would like to make a book if you guys want to be in the book just submit the following and I will pick random!

Name -->

Age -->

Good/evil -->

Looks -->

Sexuality/ crush(s) -->
Or relashioship, anyone but draco or harry.

Will you help me write the story and personally give me ideas -->

Bloodline -->

Hogwarts house -->

I will message you personally later about further details please know that I do intend to continue this story I'm just having a writer's block so it will be on hold until I can come up with an idea anyways like always

Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy

Bye bye!!!

dekuverse ⚠️sad⚠️Where stories live. Discover now