Chapter 17: Present Choices

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When Rut and I hitch a ride back home, we pass by two kids, a sister carrying his little brother on her back, homeless and hungry.

I remember one time years ago when Jesse and I were walking home from school, and we passed by a beggar. We were getting a hotdog from a stall near him and I watched these people walk past him as if he's not there, although he always has his palm up every time they walk pass. I didn't know what came into me but I recall I told Jesse to help him. He didn't say no directly, but he grabbed my hand and told me we have to get home. I remember looking back at the beggar until he's too far in sight and not a single person gave him even a penny.

I feel guilty for ignoring him. I know I wanted to help him but I don't know why I didn't. Maybe because I was a kid? I don't think that's it, but I feel pretty awful looking back to that day. And I feel bad for ignoring someone in need for the second time around. I know I can do better but I don't know why I do worse.

I'm lucky. I know that. I have a home and I eat three meals a day. But it's unfair. Life is unfair. People know that more than they want to admit. But it's still unfair. Not everyone has to like or accept it. And not everyone has the courage to make it a little bit fair. That's your choice.

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