Why I believe the CGs did not truly win the Gem War

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I've said before that I doubted that the Crystal Gems actually WON the War against Homeworld

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I've said before that I doubted that the Crystal Gems actually WON the War against Homeworld.

I mean let's look at the facts:

They were outnumbered.

Homeworld had superior tech, strategical plans and everything else.

Plus, everytime that the CGs went up against a Homeworld Gem, they got their asses kicked.

I know the show had us believe that they won the war, but I feel like if they truly did, Homeworld wouldn't have been in such a well kept and well positioned state when we saw it. Also, the CGs wouldn't have been scared shitless at the very possibility of another war with Homeworld.

Because let's be honest: The Diamonds could have come down at anytime and wiped the floor with Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Homeworld could have ended this stalemate at anytime they felt like. And the CGs KNEW that. That's why Pearl and Garnet were scared to death at the idea of another war with Homeworld.

My point is: There's a big difference between winning a war and just outlasting and surviving it.

The CGs didn't win the war. They simply just survived.









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