roles / explaination

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I hope that this book doesn't hurt anybody too badly- I got in the mood to write something "romantically violent" and a mafia AU seemed to work very well. I apologize profusely if I somehow end up killing off one of your favorite characters.
And, yes, I did name the mafias after their respected schools. I couldn't think of any fun names.



The mafia leader. She's very sweet towards mostly everyone in her mafia, though she has to act tough to keep up her confident persona. She is pretty young for what she has to go through.

The engineer. He spends most of his time in the workshop making sure that everyone's weapons and such work accordingly. He's a huge teddybear and could never hurt a fly, but if someone picks the fight first, he doesn't care if he has to break a bone or more.

The scout/watcher. She helps find bunkers and other mafias. She doesn't work frontline so she doesn't have to fight as much, though taught herself self-defense at a very young age with Casey. She is a sweetheart but can snap your neck if she wants to.

The medic. He stays behind due to his autism; Casey is very protective of him. He likes to spend time with Evan whenever he's off work, so he gets some social time.


The mafia leader. She trusts only a few select people and keeps to herself at times. Isn't as sweet as everyone else; she will do anything in her power to get what she wants and be on top. Imagine her as Heather Chandler, but way more violent.

The bagman. She sticks with her job and handles the financial part of the mafia. Collects money from the surrounding communities in which Clayton has taken over.

The consigliere of the mafia. Works very closely with Izzie; the two are practically inseparable. Helps Penelope with some financial stuff, but only to distribute the money between the mafia. Sometimes works frontline with the other associates.

One of the soldiers. He is very loyal to the mafia and will do anything in his power to help Izzie achieve what she wants. He's not the nicest person but is very straightforward and likable at first glance.


Hopefully you guys will enjoy this book as much as I'll enjoy writing it! It's gonna be interesting taking a totally innocent show and twisting it into something horrible.

ambition // cazzie (REWRITING 7-11)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن