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Izzie's POV

From what looked to be an uninterested expression turned to a frantic one right as the words slipped from my lips, and the brunette looked up at me.

"Excuse me?"

I grinned and slipped my hands into my varsity jacket's pockets, leaning back slightly.

"You heard me. Do I need to repeat myself?" I puckered out my bottom lip and frowned, "I would think that a mafia leader would be more attentive, but I guess you're different from the rest."

I watched as her eyes flew around the room. Quinn was right; this was going to be fun.

"What makes you say that?" The girl said as she straightened her posture, sending me a slight glare. The boy beside her is now watching me warily but looks back down at his drink every so often so it doesn't look like he's associated.

"Don't play dumb. My friend here overheard your conversation," I quickly shoot a finger toward Penelope, "-and apparently you're the leader of a mafia. A mafia called Newton? That's why I said what I said. So, let's get to know each other."

One of her hands is now gripping the edge of the table so hard to the point where her knuckles are now white, and she's staring up at me with this inscrutable expression. It takes her a moment to find the right words, but they come out as a quiet growl.


"You already know about us? Well, that clears up a lot." I laugh, digging the heels of my boots into the aged wood below me, "I was a little worried that you didn't know about our mafia."

"You wiped out two mafias with your own bare hands in a mere three days. I don't know why you think you have the right to show your face around here." The brunette said with venom present in her tone, making no move to stand.

I took another step closer and smiled again, sighing through my nose. "Aw, those were some very generous words. Though, I don't think you get the entire picture."

In an instant, my hand shot forward and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, pulling the girl up and out of her chair. This made the boy in the seat beside her stand, pointing an accusatory finger in my direction.

"Get your hands off her."

I turn toward him and raise a brow, feeling the brunette's hands grab at mine, "What are you gonna do about it, pretty boy? If you know who I am, you won't even try."

He set his jaw and groaned quietly, not making a move to do anything. I bite at my lip and turn toward the girl, "Good. Now, where were we?"

We share a moment of silence as the tension around us starts to grow, and it takes me a moment to realize that most of the people in the Hub are watching us.

They should see this anyway.

"Right. Clayton runs this part of the city. We're the most popular mafia around- the biggest, too." I tug her upwards so our faces are level, locking our gaze, "You're nothing compared to us. We're going to stay on top. If you so much as dare to fight for our position, I swear to God, Newton- you'll be eating dirt."

"Did I ever say that was our intention?" The brunette laughed, tightening her grip on my wrist. "I'll have you know that our mafia was just trying to get by, but you just had to make a scene, didn't you? You're known for that. You want the challenge."

I narrow my eyes in her direction and the brunette decides to carry on, raising her head high. "So, I accept."

"Accept what?" I spit out, making her shrug to the best of her ability.

"The challenge. Honestly, you seem so bothered by the fact that a mafia was possibly running against you. So, let's make that a reality."

I'm at a loss for words. I let go of her shirt and the girl stumbles backward into her chair, but she now has a cocky grin plastered on her face.

"That's not what I-"

"Being on top sounds like fun. I mean, everyone respects you, right? You have no worry about anyone messing with you." She straightens her shirt and looks between me and Penelope, "I mean, you're living that dream right now, aren't you?"

This girl was confusing. At first, she was acting all scared of us, but now this? She was just trying to mess us up.

"As if you know anything." I hiss, moving my hand toward my pocket. The brunette did the same, staring at me all the while.

"I don't think you want to do that." She says calmly, but I can see her body tense. "We don't want anyone to get hurt, right?"

"Iz, we should go." Penelope turns to me, tugging at the sleeve of my jacket. I shake my head and avert my gaze between the brunette and blond, pressing my lips into a straight line.

"Casey, we should really, really go." The boy beside her whispers, sending her a desperate look.

Ah, so her name was Casey. A very familiar name at that.

"How about we both go about with our days and forget about this little mishap?" Casey suggests, smiling again.

Her smile made me feel sick.

"Or, we can do this." She brandishes the small pocketknife that she had in her pocket, flicking it open. "Your call."

I never back down from a moment like this, but something was different. Casey seemed way more skilled than her personality showed, and I almost felt a little frightened myself.

But I can't show it. To survive, you have to stay strong. Confident.

I can't lose my position.

It takes me a while to make up my mind. I let my hand relax by my side, gritting my teeth.
"You, me, 8 PM. Don't bring anyone with you. If we want to battle it out, we'll make it fair."

Casey chuckles and slips the pocketknife back in her pocket, "I doubt that since you usually play dirty, but fine. I'll be there."

And with that, the brunette started to make her way out of the Hub with the blond at her heels. Quinn now joins us, watching them go.

"What the hell was that?" She says, throwing her hands up in the air, "Yeah, I know you don't want any mafias to be on top- and it's good to eliminate them as quickly as possible- but this? What the hell were you thinking? It's a one-on-one fight."

"And she'll win." Penelope cuts in, sending me a stern look. "Right, Izzie?"

I don't know what to say.



There's really no author's notes for this chapter. All I have to say is that I have many plans for chapter four. I hope that you guys are enjoying this.

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