eight (old)

293 15 49

Casey's POV

I wake up to something being shined into my eyes. It wasn't a flashlight or anything, it was just the sun. Nature just wants me to wake up early, I guess. There's a clock to my right.

12:06 PM.

Shit, did I miss the morning meeting with Sharice and Evan?

I sit up and am immediately met with excruciating pain. I must have the worst headache in the world because right as I get up, I have to lie back down again.

Nope, fuck that.

I take a moment to breathe as nausea slowly rolls over me and I feel like I'm going to vomit. Damn, what did I do last night?

Right, got drunk with Evan.

I let my eyes open again and I carefully survey my surroundings. I slowly move up so my back is pressed against the pillows, looking over the small room.

Wait a second.

My desk doesn't go there. Plus, my bed is in the corner of my room, not in the center-

I'm somewhere else.

I feel my body go cold. I look down and realize that I'm not even wearing a nightgown or anything. I'm left in my undergarments and my shirt and jeans are discarded on the floor.


Flashbacks suddenly hit me as I'm starting to wake up. I remember being pressed down into the mattress while someone's hands are above me, gripping the headboard. We're kissing and I'm reaching for their belt buckle and-

No, wait- what?

I sit up this time, ignoring the pain in my head.

What the fuck did I do?

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. The noise only heightens the throbbing pain in my head as the door creaks open and in steps, you guessed it, Izzie.

I immediately pull the covers up so it shields my body, staring at her in shock. The girl crosses her arms and leans against the closed door, watching me for a moment.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up." Izzie said, averting her gaze to my clothes on the floor, "We were up pretty late last night."


Izzie laughs, "You don't remember anything, do you?"

Oh God. This is worse than I imagined.

I start to piece two-and-two together. The clothes, waking up in someone else's bed, the context clues in her sentences- I can't believe I'm clarifying this.

Did I sleep with Izzie? How the absolute fuck did that happen?

"I apologize if you have a terrible headache," She starts, making her way toward the desk, "It seemed like someone was not being too careful with their alcohol intake."

Izzie hopped up onto the desk and turned to look at me, sighing. "That just made my job easier."

"Your job was to sexually assault me?"

"Oh, please- you consented to it." Izzie hissed, causing me to fall silent. "All it took was a few tequila shots and GHB to get you going. You didn't even recognize who I was."


"You're very talkative even after all of this." Izzie seemed slightly annoyed, but at least she was answering my questions.

"GHB. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, or better known around clubs as liquid ecstasy. It calms people down and practically sedates them without letting them fall unconscious, so it's easier to do what you want." Izzie explains, checking her watch every now and again.

"So you drugged me?"

She nods with triumph.

"And then non-consensually hooked up with me?"

"Again, it wasn't really non-consensual-"

"Just shut up already." I growl and Izzie purses her lips, "What did you want to get out of this? What, were you just so unbelievably turned on by your rival mob boss that you decided to pull this stunt?"

"What I wanted to get out of it was info." Izzie says, gripping the edge of the desk as she swung her legs.

"I'm guessing that didn't work out?"

"Actually," The girl smirks, running her tongue along her bottom lip, "-it did."

I could feel the hair on the back of my neck rise as chills ran down my spine.


"You're very vocal in intimate situations." Izzie explains as if it was the easiest thing to say, "Not just that you're a moaning mess, no- alcohol acts like a truth serum in your blood. You like to talk."

I can feel my face heat up as my breathing quickens, and I don't even realize that my hands are now bunched into fists.

"Not only did I learn some personal info about you," Izzie grins like a madman, "-but I may or may not of figured out where Newton is. I patted myself on the back for that one."

This can't be real.

"And don't think I'm gonna let you leave to go warn your friends. I'm gonna keep you here for as long as I want, capeesh?" Izzie laughs and hops off the desk, sending me a sympathetic look. "Don't worry. I'll let your friends know that you're safe with me when I have their faces shoved against the pavement by my boot."

"I fucking hate you."

"Oh, Newton, I know."

With that, Izzie winks at me and smiles. Before I can get up, she's already out of the door and I can hear it lock behind her.

I don't know what to do.

I'm genuinely terrified.

It's only when I get out of bed to dress that everything slowly starts to sink in.

Clayton now knows the coords to Newton thanks to my drunk ass.

And now I need an escape plan.


This one's a quick one but don't worry- chapter nine and ten will be longer!

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