
289 13 25

Izzie's POV

It had been over two months since I had last seen anyone out of my mafia. I hadn't even gone to the Hub like I usually do.


Because I failed, right? With that girl; Newton? I had her right where I wanted her and I let that moment go. All because of that boy. I was capable of killing the two of them, but because I was only equipped with a knife and was being challenged by a boy with a rifle, it seemed that the match would be a bit unfair. Risky, too.

I rubbed at my hands with a cloth as I stood by a sink in our facility's washroom, pressing at my skin roughly with the material. My hands still felt dirty even if they were clean and unscarred- something about the whole situation didn't feel right.

"You alright?"

I turned my head the slightest and caught sight of Penelope. She was leaning against the matte white wall farthest from me, her arms crossed against her chest. Ever since I came back after the whole ordeal with Newton, Penelope has given me shit about it every day since. Even as the mafia leader, my associates are angry at me for not finishing the job.

"Yeah, great. I still think I have blood caked under my nails." I sighed as I folded the cloth and laid it across the side of the sink, turning my body to fully look at her. "Did you come in here to talk to me about that night again? Because I really don't want to talk about it."

"Mm. Not this time. It's something you can't change and you chose to let her go. So be it." Her tone still held a slight edge to it as I pushed past her and exited the room, sensing that she was at my heels as I walked on.

"I can tell that you want something else. Get straight to the point this time, I have things I need to do." I say as I stride forward, stopping as I neared a table in the commons area. I turned around and leaned against it, holding onto the edge. "So, what is it?"

Penelope grinned and moved a little closer so I could hear her over all of the ruckus around us.

"You know, you could try again." She whispered, sending me a look. Before I could respond, she chuckled, raising a brow. "I've been keeping tabs on her. She's not the smartest, that one. You could probably outwit her if you got the chance." Penelope shrugs, "Quinn says that Newton and that boy have now become regulars at the Hub for about 3 weeks. They're, like, always together. Inseparable. Use that to your advantage. I don't know- just a thought."

With that, she walked off, leaving me alone. Thankfully, it gave me some time to think about what she had just said.

Use that to my advantage?

Well, there were many things I could do. Going up and starting a fight right in the bar didn't seem like the best option, but it was one. Newton would still be a bit sore from what happened two months ago. But, I don't want to cause a scene. Even though most people respect Clayton around those parts, it didn't mean that they couldn't just up and riot. Plus, the number of debts that were owed were decreasing, so we were getting more money by the month. The system was working smoothly and I don't want to risk messing it up.

On the other hand, I can be very subtle about it. I could pay someone to get the boy's attention led somewhere else that wasn't his probable girlfriend so I could drug her drink or something. Getting her extremely intoxicated seemed to be the best way to get her vulnerable. But then what?

Lure her to Clayton with some favors, perhaps? Well, if she'd fall for it in the first place. Though, preferably, she'd be extremely intoxicated so it'd be easy. What type of drug would I use?

Ah, GHB. Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid. Makes the victim sluggish, forgetful, and weak. If I were to drug Newton with that, it would give me an open window to do whatever.

That seemed like the best idea so far. Alcohol could act like my best friend or the worst- I don't know what type of drunk she is. Violent, confused, flirty? God, please don't be flirty.

As our consigliere, Quinn has a few contacts that I can converse with to get my hands on the right drugs. It'll be simple; get her boyfriend out of the picture, make sure she's too drunk to know who I am, drug her drink, and get her back here. Alcohol usually makes the average person way more chatty, so maybe she'd slip a thing or two? Well, I'd take anything I could get.

I smile to myself and set off to find Penelope again. If I could find the right time, this all might work.

For better or for worse.


Have fun.

ambition // cazzie (REWRITING 7-11)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon