eleven (old)

484 17 75

─ ❝ WARNING ❞ ─
This chapter will include mediocre gore.

Casey's POV

The air seemed to grow tense. Time slowed and everything around me grew hazy. Even though I could feel a hundred pairs of eyes land on me and Sharice's hand brush my arm, I felt alone.

But, not quite alone.

There, only a few feet away, stood the one person in my life who I had spent the least time with but someone in which I would never forget.

Izzie. And to hell with Clayton.

"You've just stood there for a solid three minutes staring at me or the ground. Are you trying to figure out who's more attractive because, honestly, I'm offended that I'm being compared to dirt." Izzie laughed, examining the canister in her hand for a moment before she cast a look around the crowd before her.

"Oh, yeah, I was. For the record, the ground is magnificent. I'd rather get with it than you." I shoot back, my sarcastic tone imminent. Izzie raises her brow and I can sense another innuendo resting on her tongue before Sharice speaks up beside me.

"Okay, by the looks of it, we're not in a good position. I mean, you're doing all of this because you want power, right? If we back down and leave you alone, won't you too?" Sharice suggests, trying to come up with some sort of non-violent solution. But I don't want to back down. Not to Izzie of all people.

"Aw, it's sweet that you're trying to negotiate. But, seriously, that's not how things work around here. We have you right where we want you. You'll be taken down like the rest of the mafias that tried to win us over." Izzie says a little too calmly, but that's probably a copy-and-paste explanation that she's repeated over and over.

Izzie smirks at our group before slowly backing up, a low laugh slipping past her lips.

"For one, you're really fun to play with, Newton."

It didn't matter if she was talking about me or my mafia because Izzie ripped the cap off the canister in an instant and chucked it toward our group. I thought it was just a distraction until I heard it sizzling, turning my direction toward the ground. Whitish clouds of fumes started to leak out of it and it all suddenly clicked.

It was tear gas. She was trying to make our group disperse.

And it worked. I didn't realize how much gas could emit from one canister but apparently, it's a lot. Our group started to back up and spread out, but Clayton started to cave in.

Well, kudos to them. They planned this out well.

I sent a nervous smile to Sharice before sprinting forward, grabbing for my pocketknife. Izzie made the mistake of not letting herself be guarded by Clayton's members so it was an easy path to get to her, but she's not such an easy target.

With how everything is splayed out, this entire scene kind of feels like the whole war between the main characters in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe v. the Ice Queen. Or, whatever her name was. I hated her anyway.

Izzie was smart enough to keep an eye on me, though. With every step I took, she took one back. But, she was getting closer and closer to being flush with the undergrowth of the surrounding tree line, and I know that she doesn't like to be cornered. It gave her enough time to threaten me with her switchblade, though.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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