seven (old)

346 16 106

Casey's POV

It was an ordinary Wednesday night. One of which that was filled with the day's normal chores, daily check-ups with Sam, and the countless hours I got to spend with Evan now that things were different between us.

About two and a half months have passed since the whole thing with Izzie; my ribs have now healed enough to the point where I can walk and do basic things, but are still sore when I apply pressure to the area.

At least I could breathe properly. There was no fear of puncturing a lung, and to some, that's a very scary thing to think about.

Evan and I had finally started going back to the Hub like we usually did. It was weird the first few times since everyone now knew what had happened; they have eyes and ears everywhere. We'd usually have a drink or two as we talked and bonded.

Or, we used it as our last "Hurrah!" as everything went to shit.

So, we found ourselves bundled near the back of the bar. A few shot glasses were strewn across the table because, you know, fuck it?

Sam told me to stay away from alcohol while I was still healing, but I'm not one to follow rules. It'd been two months, right? I should be fine. A few shots of tequila won't hurt.

Well, I may hurt myself in some way, but Evan's here.

As long as Evan's here, I'm fine.

"Did you know," I started, leaning forward in my seat, "-that you're gorgeous? Like, fucking gorgeous. Not even I could compete- and I'm amazing."

By this point, I was completely smashed. It seemed as Evan was too- he didn't seem to care as more and more shots were brought to our table.

Should they be giving us this much alcohol? Or, for a better word, allowing us to drink this much? Maybe it's a special occasion.

Ah, whatever. Alcohol is alcohol.

"No," Evan replied, resting his head on the palm of his hand, "-but it's nice to know that someone thinks I am." He pauses for a moment, tapping at the table as he thought. "I... try?"

"Well you try good. If that makes sense." My words were slightly slurred but they still made sense. A warm buzz already entered my body minutes ago so I was already feeling all happy and good. It was nice.

"Okay, I mean, look at me." I laughed, pointing towards myself as another round of shots were brought our way, "I'm pretty hot, not gonna lie."

Evan chuckled as I downed another shot, feeling my stomach garble as it tried to fight back against my constant onslaught of terrible choices.

"You're not wrong." Evan shrugged, pushing his shot toward me as he smiled, "I'm done for tonight. You can take mine."

"I was gonna steal it anyway." I said and drank his, pushing the empty glass to the side. Usually I'd make sure that I had one sober friend around me whenever I wanted to get this hammered, but I didn't really care.

Nothing bad would happen. It never did, except for that one time with Izzie.

I couldn't even remember her face. Either it was because I was so incredibly intoxicated or because of how long it had been since I had seen her. It was weird because I would've thought she would be burned into my mind since she tried to kill me, but that's not something I wanna think about.

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