nine (old)

260 14 30

Casey's POV

Tick, tick, tick...

I swear, I'm gonna rip that clock out of the wall.

Four hours had passed since I had woken up. The most I was able to do was pace the room and think; Izzie wasn't even nice enough to leave me a book or something.

The windows were securely shut so I couldn't climb out of them and I'd already looked everywhere for other exits. No vents or special entrances- my only way out was the door that seemed to be padlocked.

It looked like Izzie had raided my pockets as well. The pocketknife that I carry with me everywhere was gone so I couldn't pick any locks. Plus, the door was locked from the outside, so all I was stuck with was a doorknob.

One of which that I would keep turning in hope of it opening.

I was sprawled out on the bed as I stared at the ceiling, trying to compose myself. The hangover headache I had was still present; it seemed like it wouldn't be going away for a while.

I had pieced together everything. I was aware of it all but I really wish I wasn't.

Izzie most likely paid or convinced the bartenders to continue bringing us alcohol so we'd get super intoxicated. That drink that she brought me was the one that was laced with GHB. The drug has no taste and I, being completely smashed, couldn't tell that there was anything wrong. Izzie was able to get me back here and chose, fucking chose to sleep with me to get info instead of every other plausible option.

She's sick. But that's her specialty, right? Being a fucking-

Another knock made itself present at the door.

It was probably Izzie coming back to tell me all about her plans for ambushing Newton.

The door opened and I raised my head the slightest to look, but was met with a completely different person.

The figure at the entrance wasn't the merciless bitch herself- rather, a boy.

His dark brown hair was cropped short and was slightly curly, giving him this childish and soft vibe. Though, his face didn't fit that description.

His jawline was sharp and his eyes were keen and intimidating. It was as if they were always set into a slight scowl, but it looked like he doesn't mean for it to. It was odd.

"Great. Yet another person to mock me for everything I have done wrong." I threw my hands up into the air and let them drop to my sides after a moment with a sigh, staring at him with a deadpan expression. "So? What's it this time? Is Izzie too busy figuring out what she's gonna do to my mafia?"

"Actually, no. I wanted to check up on you myself." The boy replied, leaning against the wall with ease. If I was in a better state, I'd be fighting back with everything I got. Though, with a splitting headache and the after effects of being drugged, I couldn't do much. So, people were free to come in and out as they pleased without any fear of me getting out or harming them.

"I don't need to be checked up on every now and again. I'm better off being left alone with my thoughts." I groaned and moved my hands up so they covered my eyes from the sun, "Who are you, anyway?"

"The name's Nate. I'm one of Clayton's associates." The brunet said, running a hand through his hair. "Casey, right?"

I stay silent and he nods, "I figured. You're quite the talk around the commons area. Izzie's having to stop people from storming up here to yell at you and cause harm. It's a lot."

I raise my brows and situate myself up onto my elbows. I wasn't thankful of her doing that- she just wanted to keep me to herself. For many reasons apparently, especially with what she did last night.

"Well, you're up here for a reason. What is it?" I say and Nate scoffs, averting his gaze to the side as he clears his throat.

"Again, I'm just checking up on you."

"Are you actually afraid that I'm hurt? What, do you think I'm that weak?" I paused and thought for a moment, rephrasing my words in my head.

Well, for one, I almost died at the hands of Izzie, was drugged and used, and now I can't move because of a headache? Maybe I am weak.

"You're just interesting, that's all. I wanted to get a look at Newton's mafia leader before we burn the whole place to the ground, you know?" Nate replies, and his voice is way too suave for what he just said.

"You're not gonna do anything to Newton. I'll find a way to get out of here and take you, Izzie, and this whole mafia down."

Nate laughed, humming in satisfaction, "Oh, I'd like to see you try."

And try I shall.


This one's kinda short too? I had many plans for this chapter but realized that everything I had planned for the end of this one would work better chronologically at the start of chapter ten.

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