Chapter 1

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Just a little author's notes in this Tobi won't be brought up has being trans, and apparently it's Tobi, not Toby TwT, that's all, enjoy!

I wake up to the most annoying sound in the world, my alarm clock, I groan putting my pillow over my head and try to find it, to turn it off, after I do I try to pull myself out of bed in the laziest way possibly "get up, cunt" my brother Koby says at my doorway scaring me a little since I didn't realize my door was open, "good morning to you too" I say pushing past him and going to the bathroom.

I hate school, I only go to see my best friends Tobi, and Eric. Tobi's always been there for us when we're going through a tough time, I know I can come to her to cry, Eric is hilarious he can make us laugh at any moment, sometimes without even trying, and he always tries to protect us, and I'm just their gay best friend I'm not all fashion and gossip, I just have a lot of pride and say weird ass things which makes them laugh, I tell them everything. Well, actually not everything I haven't told them about this huge crush on one of the American guys at our school named Matt, he's a popular kid but that's not why I like him, he's cute and hot at the same time, with his dark chocolate eyes, skin that shined in the perfect light, oh god that smile of his was always has me melting, and sometimes when he wears sweatpants you can almost see his huge di- "Mason, the bus is almost here, are you ready?" my thoughts were interrupted my mom yelling from downstairs, I hadn't realized I was daydreaming about him again, I shook my head snapping out of my daze and quickly got dressed then headed downstairs, grabbing a piece of toast and out the door whilst racing my brother to the bus stop.

When I get into the school I immediately see Tobi at her locker "Good morning" I smile hugging her from behind "good morning" she returns letting me go, I see Matt walking down the hall with his jock friends Cameron, and Jay.

Jay bullies me for being gay, I'm not bothered by the names but he beats me up a lot, I don't tell anyone this happens, not even Tobi and you can trust Tobi with anything.

As they walk down the hall girls begin to whisper and blush over the group of guys, so do I but try to hide my face in my locker Jay gives me a death glare, sometimes I tell myself that he's gay and hates me because he likes me but I know that's not the case since it only happens in movies and because why would someone want to see their crush in pain? I secretly admire Matt and all his beauty including checking out his juicy ass, it's too bad his straight I swear almost everyone in Junior year has asked him out and he's rejected them every year people try to ask him out, I'm too nervous and awkward to ask him out, plus I already know his answers going to be no. Just before the bell rings Eric finally comes along, late as usual but least made it here.

~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~

It's finally lunch I have B lunch with Tobi, and sadly Eric has C lunch, we sit down with our tray and chat "so, Mason are you crushing on anyone?" she asks, 'should I tell her?' I think to myself, I also know she likes Cameron even tho she doesn't know I know, I trust her and know she won't tell anyone, so I guess I could yes but not tell her who and I also hate lying to her "yeah, actually I do" I respond her face lights up and she about to ask me who until "Hey, can I sit here?" a shy voice asked I look over to see who it is and it was a new kid he has brown eyes and brown hair he wore a black sweater, torn jeans, and black shoes "sure" Tobi responds cheerfully  "Tobi" she introduced herself as the new kid sat in front of me "Mason," I introduce myself "Jaren," he says shyly, I had some gay senses inside me telling that he gay, well I mean just by his behavior I could kind of tell "are you gay?" I ask leaning closer to him he blushes "Mason" Tobi says not believing what I just ask "sorry, I was just wondering" I state leaning back into my seat with my hands up as a surrender to Tobi, I know how she can be when she's mad and honestly don't want to make her mad, "no it's fine, I am gay, is it that obvious?" Jaren asks "just a little, but my gay senses told me you were" after I said that Tobi and Jaren cracked up like they were on drugs or something "your- haha, your gay sense?" Tobi questioned trying no to laugh "Tobi, you're too straight to understand" I cross my arms then feel myself smile and suddenly laugh with them.

Him and I 💖~Misfits fanfic~💖 (Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now