Chapter 16

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School finally started, and I'm finally in year 12, my last year and it's going to be hell I can already see it, when I walk in people were chatting and reuniting with each other, I notice Jay, Matt and Cameron are talking again, I'm happy for them, I go to my assigned locker and get startled by two hands that covered my eyes "guess who?" A familiar voice said, it sound like Tobi but it couldn't be "uh... I don't know" I shrug, they pull their hands away "me, silly" I turn around and surprisingly it was Tobi, "Tobi, hey you're talking to me?" I say confused "yeah, me and Eric had talked after you left and I forgive you guys, plus I love you too much to see you in pain" I smile a real smile for the first time in a while, she pulled me into a hug, I hug her back, I felt warm and actually happy, maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought "yay, the trios back" Eric says joining the hug "actually, where's Jaren?" Tobi asked as we all pull away, "probably in Johns room" I cock my brows, Eric was confused "Jaren like Mr.Keyes, I think they're dating" Tobi informs him, "we have a few minutes, wanna see if he is?" Eric suggests Tobi and I both nod and we all went to Mr.Keyes room giggle like a bunch fan girls, "whose gonna open it?" Eric whispers, I put my hand on the door knob and slowly twisting it, I finally open it and we peek our heads in and see Jaren sitting on Johns desk as John was in between his legs and kissing his neck, Jaren bites his lip and let out a soft moan, "ever heard of locking a door?" I say just before the bell rang "what the-" Jaren looks to us and John pulls away from his neck we all giggle and ran away, "no running" one of the teachers say, "you guys are a-holes" Jaren whispers to us after he catches up with us, we go to our classes when I go to mine I noticed the only seat in the class was next to Matt 'this is going to be awkward' I thought to myself and sat down, the teacher greets us, Matt probably still hates me, I guess he's right I should just give up and accept that he'll never love me nor even want to be friends again, I've had moments where I thought I was over him but never actually was, I guess I'll have to now.

Matt's POV

I've been trying to build up the courage to talk to Mason, but my heart keeps racing when I'm near him and I get too nervous to say anything maybe I should I just give him some time before going up to talk to him, or maybe I'm just not ready to talk to him I don't know but I love him and I really hope he didn't listen to anything I said because I didn't mean any of it, most of our classes are together which is good but the look on his face when he sees me, it shatters my heart, like the same feeling I got when we were in my room, have I always had feeling for him?

It's the end of the school day and people are chatting in the halls I see Mason across the hall at his locker "have you talked to him yet?" Bordie scares me "no, I get too nervous and back out," I say, "go now while he's alone, I'll watch you and you don't have to be so nervous just tell him you didn't mean what you said, and how you feel about him," she's says as if it's that easy but I sigh and go anyways "hey Mason" I say as casual as possible, he looks over to me and looked a little surprised "sorry for what I said, I didn't mean any of it" I say looking into his sky blue eyes "it's ok" he says shyly, hiding his beautiful blue eyes "does this mean we can friends again?" He asks 'friends... of course during that time he was Australia he probably got over me, damn it, why didn't I just text him,' my heart beat elevates "if you want to" I assured "sure" he slightly smiles and closes his locker, "see you around" I say and he left, "that was way too fast and not how he would react if you confessed to him," Bordie says confused "that's because I didn't confess" I groan "why?" "Not really the setting you confess in" I try to make up an excuse, but she could tell I was lying "fine, he wants to be friends, just friends," I say "ouch, sorry Matty" she pulls her phone out and starts giggles "sorry, I'm just talking to a friend, she's so adorable" she smiles texting back, I watch as he talks to Eric and Jaren, maybe one day he'll be mine, but I don't know what to do yet, I can't hide this forever, he'll find out eventually, I know he will, he looks over at me and wave a little, I smile and wave back, this is going to kill me very soon.

~~TiMe SKiP (ya like jazz?)~~

Couple weeks have gone by and I still haven't told Mason how I felt but we've become closer friends now, it's not awkward anymore, it's so cute when he laughs or smiles, is this how he felt towards me? Everyone was at the park, Tobi, Eric, Cam, Jay, Mason and I, Eric was sitting in Cam's lap while Tobi and Jay were teasing them, Mason and I were sitting under a tree "hey Matt" Mason gets my attention "yeah, what's up?" I respond, "I never lied to you" he talks lower so the guys don't hear, "what are you talking about?" "When you asked if I liked you, I didn't like you, I loved you" he say, my heart sank immediately, '"loved" he's over me, I'm too late even if I told him how I felt he wouldn't care, maybe it'll break him, I mean so much has happened it might' "are you ok?" He ask "yeah" I say, my voice almost breaks. It's about to be night and everyone was leaving, we all said goodbye Eric left with Tobi and Cam was going to a gas station near by with Jay, that left me and Mason together, "we can go to my house and I can drop you off at your place" I suggest but really I just wanted to get closer to him, "sure" we started walking, as we were walking Mason and I kept doing hilarious and weird impression of people, and some of them were even real people, "I like rusty spoons" he says in a high pitch and shaky voice, people probably thought we were crazy, "what the fuck, you're so weird" I say still laughing, "shut up, cunt" he jokes nudging my arm, we get to my house, when we go inside Bee greets us, Mason comes with me upstairs "my keys should be here somewhere" I say entering my room, he sat on my bed and I go into my closet to see if it was in one of drawers, I found them and told him "great" he says, he's perfect and adorable, I could melt into those eyes any day and any night, "you ok? You keep zoning out on me" he chuckles "yeah I'm just a bit tired" I smile, "alright" he shrugs, we got into the car.

"Here you go" I say once I parked outside of his house "thanks" he says "are you sure your ok, mate? You've been weird lately" he says, I don't think I can hold this is anymore, I love him, I really love him, "no, I'm not" I take a deep breath, he places his hand on my shoulder "what's wrong?" I look at him, he looks genuinely concerned, I pull him in by his shoulders and kiss him, when I pull away he looked shocked and his eyes filled with tears, "I-i" he stutters "I don't understand" "I love you" I say "I get that, but- I'm finally over you, I finally accepted that you'd never love me," he starts crying, "I know, I'm sorry Mason" "I have to go" he opens the car door "Mason wait" I say noticing a truck driving up pretty fast, I got out the car "please just go away," he pleads trying to wipe away his tears "no, Mason  move!" I push him out of the way of the truck in replacing myself but it was too late to move back, and soon everything turns black...


Word count: 1478

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