Chapter 10

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I'm gonna do 2 or 3 POVs in every chapter so enjoy

After class the brunette winks at me, seeing we were the only ones in class with John, I notice John yawning, even his tired face is adorable, "sorry, did I keep you up?" I say walking up to him "a little" he chuckles, "sleep well?" He asks me softly I step a little closer to him "yeah, but I think I would've slept better if you told about your teacher-ing stuff" I joked, he smile and takes a step forward, I catch him get a glimpse of my lips, I slowly run my hands up his arms and planting them on his shoulders while keeping soft comfortable eye contact, he puts his hands on my waist, 'oh my god, I can't believe this is about to happen,' we lean in slowly our lips almost touching, then the second bell rings "I gotta go" I say letting him go, he takes a deep breath and lets me go "yeah" he frowns a bit, I grab my bag and wave my hand goodbye, we're lucky he doesn't have a last period class, he smiles and I leave, 'I can't believe he actually likes me back'.

Mason's POV

Jay has just told me what he found, in his bedroom, "holy fuck" I say shocked I back up and lean against the frame of his bed "it's ok, it's not like it was your first time" he says, except it was, I look up at him, and bite my nails then avoid his eyes "oh my god, it was" he figured out, I nod my head, I had sex with Jay, kissed Matt twice, which was kind of awesome, and I'm in love them both, I feel like such a whore right now, I keep kissing and making-out with two guys, I'm worried Tobi is going to get hurt, but I keep avoiding her instead of just telling her Cam's gay, plus Eric who would hate the fact that I didn't tell him Jay was beating me up, he'll think I don't trust him, I'm the one that's going to hurt everyone, at least I won't hurt Jaren and John, "Mason?" I hear napping me back to reality, "are you ok?" Jay asks me "ye-" I accidentally bite my tongue "ow, fuck" I cussed tasting bleed in my mouth, Jay comes up to me and kisses me, I get startled at first but then calm down and kiss back letting him slip his tongue into my mouth, I don't understand why I keep kissing him back I know I shouldn't but it's like a reflex, before we could go any farther I pull away, "sorry, but are we a thing?" I asked looking down "no" he responds "are you sure you're ok? You don't look so good" he lifts my head up "yeah, I should probably go home," I says getting out of his grips and grabbing my stuff off the floor, "I'll drive you" I smile weakly.

We drive up to my house, "thanks" I unbuckled "wait" he says before I open the door "Mason... I love you" he confesses again, this reminds of Saturday when he thought I was asleep, I can't say it back it'll just make anything worse, "I don't- I don't know yet" I say softly I furrowed my eyebrows, he frowns but nods his head "I understand" this sight of him made me sad he probably thinks I don't fully forgive him but I do, I just don't wanna hurt him anymore than I know I will, "I should go, I'm sorry" I say then open the car door and left with my backpack.

I walk up to doorstep and sigh as I heard Jay drive off, I open the door and walk in tiredly, "hey, Macey" my mom greets with a sweet smile, I sit on the stool in our kitchen and rest my head on my hand, "hi" I greet back, "what's wrong?" She asked, I might as well tell her or else she'll just keep pestering me about it "guy problems" I say "ohh, tell me more" she leans on the counter like a gossip girl, I chuckle softly, I guess it would be nice to tell someone, "well, I like these two guys, one guys I've liked for a long time and I'm finally close to him but I don't think he realizes that I like him, and he has a girlfriend, the other guy we recently became friends and I kinda helped with his sexuality, he likes me, he even told me he loved me" I explain "did you say it back?" She questioned "no..." I fidget with my fingers and look down "that's good, you didn't get their hopes up" "but I kissed them both and- uh... never mind" I stop myself from telling her that I lost my virginity, "and?" She narrows her eye at me "nothing" I shrug, "and what? Mason" "nothinggg" I drag "tell me or I'm taking your phone away" "alright, damnnn, I lost my virginity to one of them" I blush embarrassed, she eyes widened "yep, your son is a whore, he kissed a guy and had freak time with the other" I say, I'm trying to get her uncomfortable so that she'll leave me alone but it seems like she just got more into the drama, geez I don't know her, "on the same day?" She question I nod my head sadly, "but I was barely conscious when it happened, I don't even remember it now but there's so much evidence that we did it there's no way we couldn't have done it" I explain "what do you mean barely conscious? Were you-" "no we were drunk" I said before she started jumping to conclusions "oh- what a minute?" She realizes what I just said "so, I don't know what to do, and I know I'm going to hurt them" "wait, they don't know you kissed both of them?" "No, obviously not that's why I called myself a whore" "well then why don't you tell them, to me it's like you're pressured and you should tell them what you did wrong" "I've dong a lot of wrong thing, I might even hurt Tobi and Eric" I say, my dad walks in and greets us "what are you talking about?" He asked "our son's a whore" "mom" I groan and basically slammed my head on the counter "you called yourself that" she exclaims "well it hurts more then it comes from your parents" I say pulling myself up from my chair then go to my room.

2 weeks later *•w•*

I noticed all the classes have Teles now, I'm not sure what for but it's pretty cool. I walk down the halls looking around for Tobi so I don't run into her, "hey" someone says walking up next to me, I get startled but calm down when I realized it was just Tobi 'oh shit! It's Tobi!' "Hey Tobiii" I try to act natural "I know why you've been avoiding me" she says raising a brow "you do? I mean I'm not avoiding you" I say "the only time we talked was at lunch, and we didn't even talk one on one we were talking to Jaren" she explains "you know that I know about the bruises" 'well shit, at least it better than the Cameron situation' "who hurt you?" She asked softly "uh, nobody, I went skiing and I kinda fell and, uh, landed on a big rock but thankfully I didn't break any ribs" I lied with a weak smile, "oh! Sorry for jumping to conclusions" she apologizes "it's ok" I say "well, I'll see you in later" she says and walks in a different direction.

After school I look around for Eric since we were supposed to hang out today with Tobi at the park nearby, we haven't hung out in a while, I walk up to Bordie and Matt who were just talking by the locker, "hey, have you seen you guys Eric anywhere?" I ask "I haven't" Matt says, he smiles at sweetly looking into my eyes, I wish I could kiss those beautiful soft lips again and forever but I'm not even half as pretty as her, I wish I were her, she's so lucky and doesn't even realize it, "I thinI saw him go into the computer lab" Bordie says point towards it "thanks" I say and wave them goodbye and go over to the computer lab, and open the door, my eyes widen at what I find...

Word count: 1441

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