Chapter 9

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Jay's POV (before Mason and Matt went into the closet)

It's the last class of the day and I still have a hang over, it's sound like all the teachers are yelling and it hurts, I'm never doing drugs again only drinks for me, the last bell finally rings only making my hang over worse, I groan flopping my body against the my desk as everyone packed up and left, "still hungover?" A familiar voice said, I look up and see Mason, "yeah" I say getting up, "so, do you think we did anything last night?" He rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably, I don't think we did, I didn't see any condoms but I didn't really look around so I'm not sure, "no, I don't think so, I didn't see any condoms" I explain "but what if we were too drunk to even use condoms" he suggested, I guess he was right, we walk out of the classroom and Mason gets call by Matt, "I'll talk to you later" he says and walks overs to Matt.

I get home and flop onto the couch tossing my backpack to the side, "goodmorning to you too" my mother says in the kitchen "did you just get back?" I say, sitting up "yeah about an hour ago," she states, I sigh in relief and head up stairs I open my bedroom door and laid on my still messy bed, I feel something under my leg, I get up to see what it was, I dug under my covers and find... an opened bottle of lube? Oh my god, I begin to look around for something else, I eventually find and open condom wrapper, but the condom was inside and it wasn't used, I guess he was right, we were way too drunk to even use a condom so that mean that we did "do it",I have to tell Mason, but it's not like this was his first time, right?

Matt's POV

I wake up leaning on a wall next to a body, their head was laying on my shoulder, I rub my eyes open and notice I was still in the janitors closet, and Mason was with me, 'shit, we must've fallen asleep, and the janitor didn't see us' I thought to myself as I moved Mason's head off my shoulder gently, I get up and walk to the door, I know it's probably going to be locked but I try anyways and of course it was, I look around the closet, there's got to be a hidden key or something I could open with, as I searched, some buckets fell onto ground, "shit" I whisper hoping that didn't wake Mason up, I look over to him, he shuffles and grunts in discomfort before opening his eyes, "sorry" I apologize, "shit, we fell asleep" he acknowledged "yep" I say giving up of trying to open the door, I walk over to him and sit back down next to him, I pat myself down trying to find my phone only to remember that it's in my locker "what time is it?" I ask him, he takes out his phone "11:40 pm" he responds, damn it's not even Tuesday, I sigh in boredom, "can I ask you something?" I say to Mason "yeah" he responds turning towards me, "are you sure you don't know what I meant when I said "there it is"?" He shakes his head, 'fuck, could I have been talking about the stupid fireworks? I can't believe I'm about to do this' "can I uh- kiss you again?" I try not to be awkward whist my cheeks warmed up, he blushes and lightly nods, I turn my body towards him, then cup his cheek, I leans in until our lips connect, I don't feel anything, so I pull him closer to me, deepening the kiss, we move our lips in-sync, then I feel mini explosions of butterflies in my stomach and without realizing I began to kiss him passionately, Mason wraps his arms around my neck, I feel myself get more into the kiss, I hold onto his waist, is it wrong that I'm enjoying this? His lips are so soft and so gentle, what am I thinking? What am I doing?! I'm with Bordie! I quickly pull away from kiss, "s-sorry" I flutter, "it's ok" he says retreating his hands from around my neck, a part of me wishes that we could kiss more but I know it's wrong, "so?" He questioned "what?" I was confused by what he was talking about, "did you feel anything? You know about the party and what you said?" He reminds me "oh, no I didn't" I lied "oh, ok" he sounded disappointed, there was an awkward silence between us until Mason said "can I talk to you about something?" "Sure" I respond "well, it's about Cameron, and Tobi likes him, I'm worried he's gonna hurt her, you know since he's gay, if or when she confesses" he sighed, I have noticed that they are hanging out a lot and possibly flirting a lot, "yeah, I've kinda noticed them hanging out a lot," I say, "I'll talk to him" I add, "thanks" he fidgets with the sleeves on his sweater, he looked very worried, I scoot over closer to him and wrap my arm around his waist and pull him towards me, he lays his head on my shoulder, and pulls his knees up to his chest "wait" he says randomly, and got up taking his pencil bag with him, since we weren't able to put it away, he looks around in it before getting a pen out, he dismantled it only leaving it with the metal tip and the tube with the ink, then he goes to the door and jiggle the dismantled pen in the keyhole, I'm not 100% sure this is going to work, but to my surprise it did, he opens the door "ta-da" he says "where the hell did you learn that?" I questioned as I got up with my stuff, "movies" he says as if it was obvious, we go out into the dark hall, "holy shit" I say completely creeped my school at night, we look at each other and began giggling and we ran towards our lockers. When we get our stuff, I see Mason taking off his shoes, I look at him confused, "I've always wanted to do this" He exclaim, then I realize he was going to slide across the floor, He goes from his locker to the wall near mine, "oww" he groans when he hit the wall pretty hard, I laugh and took off my shoes, we slide across floors and we went into one of our teachers classroom and wrote random and stupid shit on the board but some we erased, we even tried racing but we both just ended falling on our asses. We go to different ends of a hall and slide across we weren't paying attention and ram into each other, Mason fell into my lap, we both groan and giggle, I open my eyes and get greeted my Mason's soft eyes, he looked into my eyes, "WHO'S THERE?!" Someone yells Mason and I got up and looked at each other wide eyed, it was probably a night guard, we ran out across the hall until we eventually find the front entrance, "hey! Stop right there!" The night guard yells I look over to him, he looked mean, he had a officer uniform and a flashlight, but it wasn't on for some reason, and he was pretty big man, a little frightening, Mason grabs my hand and drag me out the entranced, we run with and our shoes in our hands and our backpacks, we finally stop and catch our breath, Mason lets go of my hand "I can't believe we just did that" I say as we put our shoes on, Mason chuckles and we began walking, he's so much fun, and I think I might actually like him, poor Bordie, what am I supposed to do? I think I like her too.

Jaren's POV

I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, I can't sleep and I don't know why, my phone suddenly gets a notification I look over to it and pick it up it reads 'John Kryoz added you' I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, but I open it up anyways, they found me on quick add, so I add them back and send them a picture of my eyes with the sheets covering half my face, with a 'Hi', it looked pretty cute, and soon I got one back it was a mirror picture of... MR.KEYES! He was wear a black and white hoodie and sweatpants, the text said 'don't you have school tomorrow?' I blush at how cute the photo was, I snap myself out of my daze and texted him.

Jaren: Mr.Keyes?

John: You can just call me John

Jaren: oh, ok

John: cute picture

I blush like crazy, he just called me cute! I think I'm gonna die.

Jaren: thanks.

John: but seriously Jaren, you have more testing tomorrow.

Jaren: yeah, I know but I am having trouble sleeping.

John: I guess we could talk a bit until you fall asleep.

Jaren: really?

John: yeah

Jaren: thanks

Jaren: try telling me what it's like being a teacher maybe I'll get bored and sleep

John: haha, very funny.

We texted all night until I fell asleep, he's so funny and we think so alike, he's my soulmate I can feel it. When I woke up, I quickly got dressed, ate breakfast and rushed to school, I can't wait until I get into Mr.Key- I mean John's room, I can't believe he let me call him John, I mean it is just a name but I'm just so excited. I was finally at lunch, today seems so long, I have two other classes before his "are you ok, Jaren?" Tobi says "I'm more than ok, I feel great" I smile, "how come?" Mason asks "John and I talked all night, well until I fell asleep, but I swear to god he's my soulmate, I can't wait until senior year," I explain with a little squeal "John?" They say at the same time, "Mr.Keyes" I whispered, leaning in, they both oooh and aww, as we finish our lunches the bell rings, I got up so fast I don't even remember saying bye to Tobi and Mason. I quickly went to John's classroom, after being Mr.Wildcat's class, I calm my breathing and walk in naturally, I don't think he wants me to call John at school though, "hey Mr.Keyes" I greet him, "hey Jaren" he greets back with a nod and smile, I go to my seat and admire him as he organized the stuff on his desk, I nibbles on my bottom lip as I observed him, "do you like Mr.Keyes?" A pretty brunette girl next to asks me "w-what? Pffft no" I say, and begin to bite my nails, 'mmhmm' she hums and cocks her eyebrows, "you should definitely ask him out" she grins widely, "what? That's illegal, plus I don't like him" I say "it's only illegal if you get caught, plus I see the way he looks you," she tilts her head notifying me to look over there, I do so and get greet by his soft and adorable face then he looked me up and down, I blush and look away "told you so" she cocks, I clear my throat, "so what if I do like him?" I question looking back at her, "tease him a bit and try to be the only thing he thinks about, oh and don't kiss him immediately, make him want more" she grins, before I could say anything the second bell rings and everyone had slowly stopped talking, I focus my attention to John, but mostly thinking about what girl said, 'does John really like me? Does he do this with other students? Probably' I think to myself and sigh.

Word count: 2023

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