Chapter 5

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Mason's POV

We have to go back to school today, I wish school didn't exist, Matt was so cute too, it's too bad I don't have any classes with him, I had to hold myself back from kissing him when we were in his room, "hey Mason" I hear behind me, I turn around confused, I don't recognize whose voice that is, it's was a girl, she has brown to blond-ish hair, dark eyes, somewhat light tan like skin with a pink sweater that obviously wasn't her size since the sleeves covered her hands, and shorts, "hi? Do I know you?" I ask "no, heh, but we had science together last year, I'm Bordie" she introduced, she's Matt's crush, I feel jealousy run up my body "oh yeah, he told me about you," I say with a fake smile, "really? What'd he say?" She lights up curiously, should I tell her? I mean if I say that he said something mean he'll be mad and I won't have a chance with him nor even be able to hang it with him because he'll find out I like him, but if I say what he said she'll like him even more and that would be help them get together and I still won't have a chance with him but he'll like that I did that for him and he won't know I like him, "sorry you don't have to tell me, it's just that-" she says but before she finished her sentence she look around making sure no one was around then whispers "I like Matt, a lot," I just met her and she's already confessing her secrets to me, Jesus, but I can't lie "uh, I don't know if he wants me to tell you" I says scratching the back of my neck, It's a win I'm not lying but also not helping them get together, she looks down disappointed and sad "don't worry, I promise it wasn't anything bad" I chuckle, she looks back up and gives me a sweet and small smile, before the bell rang startling the both of us "well see you around" she waves and I wave back, this was going to be hard with her around but I'll find away to work around it, then I walk to class.

Jaren's POV

I sat in class with everyone else, we're all confused had to why the teacher is taking so long it's been almost half period and he hasn't arrived, all the students were talking to each one another whilst I, knowing no one in my class, sat alone silently, when who I'm guessing is the principal walks in everyone slowly quiets down, "hello students, sorry for the wait, but Mr.Vanoss has retired and won't be back soon, so we will be having a new teacher, his name is Mr.Keyes" the principle announced and a the hottest man I've ever seen walks into the classroom, he looked young, has a clean face with long, bleached white, hair that almost reaches his shoulders, he isn't muscular but also isn't scrawny nor boney he's a fine piece of meat, dear god if I keep staring at him I might get hard, I feel my cheeks heat up, he gives everyone a little wave and smile, I'm so fucking gay, we meet eyes, they are just as beautiful as he is, he looks me up and down then winks at me causing me to blush even more, his lips look so good, wait, what am I thinking? This is illegal, I look down at my desk shyly and play with the sleeves of my sweater "have fun everyone" the principal leaves "hello everyone, as you know I'm Mr.Keyes" he says writing his name on board along with today's date, he talks a little about himself then takes attendance call everyone, "Jaren Smith?" He calls and looks up from his computer, I love how he says my name, "uh, here" I say raising my hand a little, he sees me and smiles, how perfect can he get I can't, just can't, stop swooning over him, this is going to be a tough rest of the year if I keep getting distracted with him around.

Mason's POV

The last bell rings but I didn't have to worry for the first time ever, since what happened in the bathroom with Jay, I still stayed in the classroom when everyone left since it looked like he wanted to talk to me, "hey" he rubs the back of his neck "uh... I was wondering" he walked closer to me "yeah?" "Can we keep the kiss a secret? If you haven't told anyone yet, and this one" he asks "sure, but what do you mean 'this-" I say until feeling strong hands grab my shoulders and pull me into smashing our lips together, I don't know how to react, I froze, thankfully it was a quick one, he pulls away and we stare at each other for awhile "I'm sorry" he backs up a little, then scratching the back of his neck "uh..." I'm speechless I wasn't expecting that at all "I just needed to feel that again" he states blushing "I-it's ok" I stutter, it became awkward as we both stayed in silent "hey, Mason?" He calls out "yea?" I respond "can I make it up to you? Ya' know after what happened, maybe we could hang out this weekend, get something to eat" he suggested "are you asking me out?" I tease, a dark blush creeps up his face "no.Imeanunlessyouwantittobe,I'mcompletelyfinewiththat" he quickly got out, I laugh seeing him flustered is funny "I'm just messing with you" I elbow his arm, he smiles "and yeah I'm down for this weekend" I smile and kiss him on the cheek before leaving.

I get to my locker, to pick up my stuff when I noticed Matt walking down the hall towards, "hey Mason" he smiles "hey!" I sing a little, "did you talk to Bordie?" He asks "yeah" I chuckle "well, what'd she say?" He asks impatiently, of course that's the reason he'd talk to me "she asked what you said about her?" "What'd you say?" He asks as if I said something to sabotage him "I thought it would've better if you told her" I state, he smiles "thanks" I smile back sweetly "see you later then" he says walking away and waving, I wish we could've talked more, but I guess we'll get there soon enough, "Maso!" I hear yelling, probably running down the hall, I knew it was Tobi since she's the only that calls me that, whilst everyone else calls me Macey or just Mason, "hey" she chimes clearly happy "why are you in such a happy mood?" I say playfully "I talked to Cameron all night" she giggles "I think he might actually like me back!" Oh that reminds me I had totally forgot to tell her that he's gay but she looks so happy It would hurt her but I have to "Tobi..." she looks up from her phone "I need to tell you someth-".


She gets a notification from her phone "oh! It's him" she smiles "we should go, come on" she grabs my arm "Tob-" she drags me out of school, after I closed my locker and got everything, of course, I see Eric waiting for us, how do I tell Tobi without hurting her? This is going to be hard on her.
Word count: 1256

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