Chapter 17

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I slowly open my eyes getting blinded by a bright lights "oh my god... he's awake!" Someone says, I fully open my eyes and see I was in a hospital, with the worlds loudest heart monitor, "can you turn that down like... a lot?" I squint my eyes at it and point at it, my family chuckles.  After answering many questions, my parents went to get me something to eat, my sister sat next to me "how do you feel?" She asks "like I've been hit with a bus" I look at all the tubes and wires connected to me "well it was a pretty big truck" she shrugs, truck... I immediately sit up "is Mason ok?" I ask my heart races "he's fine, Matt" she looked sad "what's wrong?" I ask as my parents walks in they didn't look too happy either, "seriously, what's wrong?" I repeat "Matt, you've been in a coma for a year" my mom says softly, my eyes fill with tears, "can I be alone, please?" I say my voice shakes "of course" they leave some food on the side table, and left, I lay down looking up at the ceiling 'a year... Mason probably forgot about me, everyone probably did,' tears stream down the side of my face, what am I supposed to do now? I was in a coma for a year and I still love him, I try to calm my breathing, but I couldn't stop crying, I hear a knock on the door, and turn on my side away from it, they open the door "I want to be alone" I say trying to swallow the lump in my throat, they don't say anything and keep walking towards me, but it was two sets of foot prints, and around the bed, I look up at them, it was Eric and Cameron, "hey Matt" Cam smiles I sit up and hug them, "we came as soon as we heard" Eric said, then Jay comes in with Tobi, "hey guys" they smile, "hey" I smile back, "how have you guys been? What have I missed?" I ask, as they sat down "good, and you didn't miss a lot, just school really, but Jay has a girlfriend and Bordie bisexual, she also has a girlfriend, oh and Tobi's lesbian" Cam says, I smile we talked for a while had some laughs "how's Mason?" I finally asked "we don't really know, he kind of emotionally detached from us, but he's definitely traumatized, by a lot of things, still from that party and you being in a coma," Tobi explains, "I'm sure he's just building up the courage to come here" Jay comforts, I hope that's the case.

It's nearly night and a nurse pops his head into the doorway  "Hey, guys visiting time is over, you can come back tomorrow" the nurse says, I say goodbye to everyone, took a shower and went to bed thinking about Mason, 'I wonder what he's doing, is he thinking about me? Does he even want to see me?' I fell asleep on those thoughts.

I wake up to the bright sun on my face, squint my eyes at it trying to block it with my hand until someone went and closed I thought it was a nurse but instead it was Mason... "hi" he says shyly, I jump out of bed and hug him, he hugs me back, we both started crying "I fucking missed you" he sobs hugging me tighter and lays his head on my shoulder, we pull away "I'm sorry, if I didn't freak
out you'd never be here" he says avoiding my eyes "no, don't be sorry it's not your fault, I had a feeling you'd react that way and I still took a risk" I explain wiping away his tears, "I thought you forgot about me" I sigh and chuckle, "I couldn't forgot you in 10 year" we chuckle and sat down "how have you been?" I asked "ok I guess, I haven't been able to be myself but I moved out of parents house and I'm a streamer now so that kind of fun" he responds "that's good to hear" I smile "I heard Jay has a girlfriend now, are you dating anyone?" I ask trying not to seem stalk-ish "I tried, but I guess he got bored of me, even though it was a year ago I'm sexually traumatized, so..." he looked sad, I hold his hand and look into his eyes, the heart monitor started beating fast as my heart beat elevated, he chuckle "I'm just gonna turn that off" I say as I got up, he smiles sweetly "but enough about me, how do you feel?" He asks, I sat on the hospital bed, "well I'm happy to see everyone, even though for me it feels like I just saw them but is been an entire year. That must have been really hard on you Masey" I say, "yeah, it was, I was blaming myself the entire time but I'm happy to you now" he smiles sweetly "me too, really happy" I say referring to the heart monitor, he laughs, I missed that sweet smile so much, he stood up and walked towards "if it feels like you just saw everyone yesterday, do you still feel like you did that day?" He asks nibbling on his bottom lip nervously, if he's asking me if I still love him that's the cutest way how, I got off the bed "yeah, besides the light head ache" his eyes sparkled, I smile  "Jesus there's so much I want to do" I says "well when are you being released?" he asks "I don't know yet" I responded "wanna walk around? Maybe we can go to the reception and ask" he says getting off the bed "not a bad idea, I'll get changed and we can go" I pick up a neatly folded pile of clothes and went into the bathroom.

Him and I 💖~Misfits fanfic~💖 (Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now