I Met a Girl Who Never Looked So Alone

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     I walked into the radio station about 10 minutes later. Every time I walked in here, the memory of how I met Jaime and the rest of Pierce The Veil comes flooding back. I smiled remembering.


     "Good, you're here, Alex," Jess, who also worked at the radio station, greeted.

     "Hey. Who are we interviewing today?" I asked as she slung her arm around my shoulders.

     "Pierce The Veil. They're in there," she told me pointing to the room where the radio show was conducted. I saw 4 guys sitting behind the glass around the table.

     I walked into the room. "Hey guys. I'm Alexandria, yes, like the band. Call me Alex, though," I told them. A lot of people made fun of me for my name since I worked at a metal station and my name was Alexandria like the metal band Asking Alexandria.

     "That's ironic," one of them said. He had shoulder length brown hair, a nose ring, and brown eyes. He had on a beanie, t-shirt, hoodie, and skinny jeans. "Well, I'm Vic," he told me.

     "And I'm Mike," said a guy with shoulder length brown hair, a lip ring, brown eyes, and tons of tattoos. He also had on a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a snapback.

     "I'm Tony," another guy with more tattoos and dark hair that was shaved on one side and long on the other said. He had brown eyes, gauges, and a cheek piercing. He was wearing a t-shirt, hoodie, skinny jeans, and a snapback.

     "And I'm Jaime," the last guy said. He had a sleeve of tattoos on his left arm, spiky brown hair, and brown eyes. He had on a t-shirt and skinny jeans. He was really cute. He flashed a smile at me and I almost melted.

     "Ok, well, we'll start in about 5 minutes," I told them.

     "Ok," they all chorused and went back to their conversation, besides Jaime.

     "So, you ever interviewed Asking Alexandria?" he asked.

     I laughed. "Yeah, they thought it was fucking awesome," I told him truthfully. They had been like "Shouldn't we be asking you the questions?" the whole interview.

       "They would. Those guys are pretty cool," he said.

     "Yeah, they are," I agreed. I put some papers nearly place at the table and looked at the time. "Ok, guys, let's get started," I announced.

     The guys each sat at a mic. "Hey guys. It's Alex," I said into my mic addressing the listeners, "I'm here with Pierce The Veil today. Remember to call in and submit your questions! So, guys can you introduce yourself and your role in the band?"

     "I'm Vic and I sing," Vic said.

     "I'm Mike. I play drums," Mike announced.

     "I'm Tony. I play guitar," Tony told everyone.

     "And I'm Jaime. I play bass," Jaime said.

     "Cool. Glad to have you on the show. So, you guys have a new album coming out next month," I said consulting my papers.

     "Yep. Collide With The Sky," Vic told me, "July 17th."

     "Cool. Can you give us any details?" I wondered.

     "Well, we did a song with our boy Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens," Vic answered. He fixed his beanie and smiled.

     "I've heard the song. It's amazing," I praised. I wasn't lying either. The song had quickly become one of my favorites.

     "Is it really?" Jaime asked hopefully.

     "Yeah! I love it!" I told them truthfully.

     "Awesome!" He exclaimed. He flashed another smile at me. It was all I could do to not flirt on live radio.

     I laughed. The rest of the interview went smoothly. There were tons of fan questions and the guys were all so nice and funny. They played an acoustic version of their songs Bulletproof Love and Caraphernelia, two of my favorite songs by them.

     "Thanks for listening guys," I announced when they were done, "Go pick up Collide With The Sky on July 17th and go see Pierce The Veil at Warped Tour this summer on the main stage. And now enjoy one of my personal favorite songs, King For A Day."

     We stood up. "Thanks for being on the show, guys," I told them with a smile.

     "No problem," Jaime replied returning my smile. For some reason, I had the intense urge to run my fingers through his hair.

     I packed up my papers and looked at the time. Time for lunch.

     "So, uh, you busy?" I heard Jaime ask.

     "Well, I'm going to lunch, so I'm free," I told him.

     He seemed nervous, which was surprising compare to how hyper he was during the interview. "You wanna get lunch with us? We were gonna get some food before heading to the next venue," he told me. Was he asking me out? Well, not really because there were 3 other guys besides him. But still, how could I say no to him. I just couldn't say no to that face.

     "Sure. I'd love to," I told him happily.

     "Cool," he commented. He seemed relieved.

     "Where are you guys going?" I asked. I knew they were from here, so they most likely knew all the good restaurants better than I did, considering I had only lived in San Diego for a few weeks.

     "You like Mexican food?" he asked with a grin.

     "Of course!" I said. I hadn't eaten decently in a while. Then it hit me that I probably didn't have enough money. Fuck! My financial status was quite embarrassing. I would just not order a lot, I told myself.

     "Cool. We've been going to this Mexican restaurant around here for years," he explained.

     "Ok, sounds good," I responded. No one from a band had ever asked me to lunch with them after an interview, so this was pretty cool.

     We walked outside to find the other guys were already in the tour bus. "Come on in," Jaime told me. He opened the door for me. He was too sweet.

     "You coming with us?" Mike asked me.

     "Yeah, if you don't mind," I told them. I hadn't thought about whether they would care if I tagged along.

     "'Course we don't mind, Alex," Tony cut in. Tony seemed really nice even though he looked pretty tough and was kind of quiet.

     "Thanks," I said nervously.

     We drove to the restaurant and I was getting nervous. How the hell was I going to pay for this one?

     We walked in and ordered our food. We talked while we waited for our food. I hadn't realized how friendly these guys were during the interview. Tony actually talked, which he didn't do much of during the interview. He turned out to be really cool and so did Vic and Mike. I was having a really good time, then the bill came. I looked at the price of my meal. Damn, eating decently has a price. I resisted the urge to groan. I pulled out me wallet and looked at the measly bills. Suddenly, a hand shut my wallet closed. I looked at the face attached to it. He shook his head. Was he seriously gonna pay for me? Did that make this a date? No, of course it didn't. I mean, it wasn't just us. But, hey if anyone asked, I could totally say that I went on a date with a band member.

     After that, I knew I wanted, no needed, to see him again. You just don't let a guy pay for you and never see him again. I hadn't felt this way in such a long time. I hadn't felt the butterflies or this type of nervousness in years. I hand't truly liked someone like this since high school. It felt nice to feel that way again.

     We exchanged numbers. They drove me back to the radio station so I could finish my day a work. 

~End Flashback~

     I finished work and got in my car to drive home. I couldn't help but wonder how I was going to make it through the next two months.      

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