q/a! ; the cast answers your questions!

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AUTHOR : hey my lovely readers! so I requested my cast to get interviewed with me so they can answer some of your questions! so without any delay, let's get into it!

let's start with our main characters, chaeyoung and jungkook, who are bickering with each other as we speak 😃

the first question is, why aren't you two together yet?

CHAEYOUNG : together?? kookie is my best friend, why the hell will we date?

JUNGKOOK : yeah she's so annoying, literally no one would date her. I'm the only one who can tolerate her annoying ass.

CHAEYOUNG : the only reason I'm not hitting you is because we're doing this interview.

AUTHOR : ok next question 😅 do you guys have any exes?

JUNGKOOK : we dated a few people back in high school, but none of them worked out.

CHAEYOUNG : yeah, almost all of my exes said that they don't feel like they're my priority.

JUNGKOOK : that's so weird, even my exes said the same.

CHAEYOUNG : thats weird, i wonder why.

AUTHOR : don't we all 😉 so, next. how long have you two been roommates for?

CHAEYOUNG : ever since we started college, so it makes two years of living together now.

JUNGKOOK : yeah, we thought it's better to live together in a single apartment rather than live with a stranger.

AUTHOR : do you guys have any pet peeves?

CHAEYOUNG : SO MANY!! for example, kookie will always cut his nails near me KNOWING that the sound makes me go nuts!

JUNGKOOK : oh yeah? how about when you take my food without even asking me first??

CHAEYOUNG : and you chew so loudly!!!

JUNGKOOK : you say "literally" too much, even when you don't mean that thing literally!!

CHAEYOUNG : I will literally kill you right now.


AUTHOR : ok 😐✋🏼 just stop. I think we got our answer. yeah, we're good. we should move on.
the next question is since when are you guys friends?

CHAEYOUNG : I think ever since we remember, right?

JUNGKOOK : yeah, we were neighbors in Busan and we used to play together when we were little.

CHAEYOUNG : our families are also super close, and our fathers are business partners.

JUNGKOOK : when we finished middle school, our families moved to Seoul to expand their business, and since then, we live in Seoul.

CHAEYOUNG : pretty much inseparable since childhood, you can say.

AUTHOR : how cute.
the next question is a bit risqué and I'm feeling shy even asking you this, but I'm sure the readers are dying to know. have you guys ever seen each other naked?

CHAEYOUNG : we do not talk about that time 😐

JUNGKOOK : why don't we move on to the next question 😃

AUTHOR : fair enough.
next question is for jungkook. what do you think about jaehyun?

JUNGKOOK : chae's friend jaehyun? I don't know him that well, but dude seems weird.

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