A stalker?

642 16 13

~~Timeskip to lunch~~

Y/N's P.O.V
I went outside the classroom to find Budo, I want to eat lunch with him because he is handsom- I mean, he's the only person I know here so far. I walked around school and found Budo just walked out of the martial arts Club room.
"Hiya Budo-kun!" I said calling Budo.
"Oh, Hello, Y/N-Chan, what's up?" He replied.
"Do you want to eat lunch with me?" I said while my face turn pink. " I'm eating with my 2 other friends, Taro yamada and Osana najimi at the rooftop, you can join us if you would like, we wouldn't mind" Budo replied.
"R-really? Okay, I'll eat with you three!" I said Delightfully


I went up to the rooftop and saw Budo.
Budo saw me "Y/N!-chan, we're here" He called me. I walked up to them, and sat beside Budo. "Oh, Budo, is that your new friend? " One boy asked
"yes, btw, Y/N, this boy beside me is Taro yamada and the girl beside him is Osana najimi" Budo said. I shyly waved at them. "Nice to meet you Y/N-Chan!, you looked really lovely today" Taro said. "Thanks, Taro-kun" I replied. "HURRY UP, FINNISH THE BENTO, BAKA!" Osana screamed at Taro. Osana-chan is probably a tsundere, because of can see that she's screaming at Taro-kun and she's blushing... But I don't care.

While I was eating and chatting with Budo, Taro and Osana, I feel like I'm being watched, I'm not sure though, because everytime I checked, there is no one, I must be imagining things...

??? 's P.O.V
Is that new girl.. TALKING AND FRIENDS WITH MY SENPAI?! That girl better not have a crush on him.. I need to know more about her..
I went up to the new girl "hey, can I take a picture of you? You look lovely today. " I said to the new girl. She smiled at me and said "sure"
I snapped a photo of her.. "Thanks! " I said and walked away. I sent the picture to Info-chan and she showed me this:

Name: Y/N L/N
Class: 2-1
Reputation: 0
Personality: (your personality)
Crush: Budo Masuta
Club: no club
Self defense: incapable
Additional information:
She's a new student in Akademi high

Okay, she's in the Same class as me and she doesn't have a crush on senpai, I probably won't kill her, but I don't know, she talked to senpai... I really want senpai to be all mine...

Author-chan's note:
Sorry if this chapter is really short  :(

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