~🧡Part 3🧡~

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Quick flashback!

Just then I hear a knock at the door, and sure enough, it was the host club. Just my luck.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Kawaii~Chan said (Y/N)~Chan was having a sleepover, so we decided to check it out. Me and Takashi brought cake!" Hani~Senpai exclaims.

"Hani and Mori can come in, but you guys didn't bring food soo..." I say.

"(Y/N)~Chan! Haruhi helped us make you some cupcakes!" Tamaki says.

"Ooh! Come on in," I say. I blush a little bit, and I'm not exactly sure why. Do I think Tamaki is cute?

Back to the present!

"So now that the hosts are here, I think we should play truth or dare," I say evilly. Katelyn and KC know what I'm thinking and both turn a bright red at the thought of it.

"Alright! KC, truth or dare?" I ask. She thinks for a moment before answering.

"Kawaii~Chan picks dare!" She says.

"I dare you to kiss Honey~Senpai," I say. Both of them turn a dark shade of red and I can't help but laugh, which makes their faces turn even darker. I didn't know that shade of red even existed. She walks over to Honey~Senpai, bends down, and kisses him. I fangirl a little, and I see Kyoya, Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru blush slightly.

"(Y/N)~Chan! Truth or dare?" KC asks. 

"Mmmmm... truth," I say.

"Does (Y/N)~Chan like anyone in this room?" She asks me.

"Yes," I say. All of the hosts except for Mori and Honey turn beet red. I giggle a little bit at the sight.

"Hey, Katelyn. Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare. I'm not a chicken like you, (Y/N)," She says casually.

"HEY!" I yell. "Anyway, I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with Mori~Senpai," I say.

Quick A/N- I wasn't sure how to phrase 7 minutes in heaven, but I just went with it.

They both enter the closet and we start the timer.

~Mini Time Skip!~

Katelyn walks out first, and she appears to be normal. Mori comes out next, and is blushing like crazy. The game continues and nothing eventful really happens. 

A/N- I was too lazy to write all those truths and dares, so it's just another time skip. Sorry if you wanted to see that!

"Who wants to watch a movie?" I ask. Everyone says yes and we agree on (Favorite Movie). As the movie continues, I start to fall asleep. I rest my head on Kaoru's shoulder, and Hikaru wraps his arm around my waist. I'm too tired to care and before I know it I'm asleep.

Kaoru's P.O.V.

  (Bet y'all didn't see that coming cuz I'm lazy and don't usually switch P.O.V.'s!)

"Man, she looks so cute when she's asleep! Wait, do I like her? Nah, or do I? Wait, why am I blushing? Wait. Have I been saying this aloud the whole time?" I ask.

"Why yes, you have," Says Kyoya angrily.

"Oh. So does the shadow king have a crush~?" I taunt. He turns beet red.

"If you tell her, you're dead," He emphasizes the last word. I swallow hard and turn to face Hikaru. He seems to have fallen asleep as well.

~The next morning!~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I wake up and see that I'm in the middle of the twins. My face turns a light shade of pink, and I try to wiggle out of their grasp without waking them up.

I manage to make it to the bathroom in my room without waking anyone up. I change into my uniform and style my hair into a simple braid.I decide to wake KC up so she can help me make breakfast for everyone.

"KC, time to get up," I say. She wakes up and we start making French toast for everyone. Soon the others are awake and I decide to show them the uniforms for our school.

"Since nobody at our school know Haruhi is a girl, she can just wear the girl's uniform," I say casually. I then hand out everyone's uniforms, and we begin walking to school after that. As we walk, I hear a faint voice from behind us.

"Hey (Y/N)!" The person says. Wait. I know that voice...

"What's up, Dante?" I say. "It's been a while."

"Well, I have a friend I want you to meet. His name is Travis," He says.

"(Y/N), is this a friend of yours?" Tamaki asks.

"Dante? Oh yeah, we're like best friends," I say. Just then a cute guy with white hair comes out from behind Dante.

"Heyyyyyy Katelyn~" He says. She proceeds to punch him repeatedly until Mori pulls her off of him.

"Oh, who's this cutie? Are you a loan? 'Cause you've got my interest!" He says, trying to flirt. I giggle and slightly blush.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTERRRRR!" I hear Tamaki yell. I bust out laughing and so do KC and Katelyn. Tamaki just stands there confused which makes us laugh even more. 

"Guys, we should probably head to school now," I say between laughs.

"Yeah," KC and Katelyn agree.

"Well then, off to a commoner's high school!" Tamaki says.

OHSHC x Reader x PDH Boys [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin