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Bakugou's POV:
I slowly awaken and realize Deku's dick is right in my face. Like WHAT?! I try to move away without asking Deku up but to my misfortune he wakes up. Damn why does he have to be such a light sleeper!

"Hey~ Kacchan~ like what you see~"

"Huh?! W-what n-no!"
"Aww Kacchan that hurts my feelings." He says with a pout.

"Fine... maybe, but we need to get dressed for school."

"Yeah you're right." They rush out of the house but when they get to school they find they're getting dorms! They also have the entire day to pack and set up their rooms. (Ik they don't have dorms yet at this part but ... just go with it!)

"Hey Deku, I'll most likely never stay in my room and always in yours so lets just work on yours ok."

"Ok fine by me cutie!"

"S-shut up!" They walked to Deku's new dorm and decided to start with the tech of his new room, can't have their. Classmates figuring out Deku and his secret. After about two hours they got it to be able to switch between the three room designs, without hurting the people within. "Alright now onto decorating your innocent room!" Bakugou exclaimed. "First lets paint the walls a sunny, pastel yellow. Then add a shelf.... there, and fill it with All Might figures and plushes. And an All Might bed for sure. Then finally All Might posters on the walls and an All Might rug to add the final touch."

"Damn Pommie, you could have become an interior designer. Anyway lets get started."

:~ one hour later:~

"Alright now Deku flip the green switch under the shelf full of All Might merch." Deku flips the switch and the room switches to a slightly bigger, light gray room with a bigger bed that fits two people.

"Alright so the plan for this room is basically how your room back home looks like. A soft gray bed with lot of pillows, a shelf for your figurines (the pervy ones), a desk for schoolwork and to put your pictures on (the ones of Kacchan from the prologue), a soft dark gray rug in the middle, a shelf for your yaoi books, and lastly your posters on the wall."

"But your forgetting one thing Kacchan, your kitten plushie! Its too soft not to include in the room we're going to be sleeping in!" Bakugou's face turned beet red as he turned away, softly nodding his head. "But we should get started!"

:~one more hour later:~

"And done! Now imo the last room!" Bakugou exclaimed. "You know what room this is for."

"Yes I do hehehehe!" Deku flips the red switch under the shelf trust holds the figures. The room changes to a large, light blue room, with a plush, white carpet that you can clean anything out of, it literally never stains! The room had a large bed, like LARGE bed with a decent amount of pillows. That is all I will say about the room. (You'll know more about the room later! If anyone wants to guess what the room is going to be used for guess! If your right ill give you a cookie!)  

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