Chapter 10; Logan Rory Larry?

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There was a reason the club was exclusive. First of all it was owned by one of the arrow senior sons who lent it to his pampered baby brother whenever the latter wished it, secondly it was because even with the strobe lights that barely revealed anything you could tell that the club was extremely beautiful and worth a pretty penny.
I stroked the length of the wine glass that was pushed into my hands by Chels immediately she stopped howling and felt the quality of the material. The Arrows were stupid rich.
   "Keep up Chels", Chrissy yelled in my face as she elbowed her way through the crowd. We were making our way to the VIP section. It wasn't enough that we were granted unquestioned entrance into an exclusive party in an high end club apparently we belonged to the VIP of the VIPs, I was beginning to really understand why Christen sometimes complained about being  seen with me in public.
    The VIP section was a relief for once I was glad to belong to the elite. There was only few people milling about, there was no need to elbow your way through and there was actually oxygen to breathe. Also the music was clear but not too loud.
Christen and Liam began exchanging pleasantries with just about everyone that walked by. Christen was so proud to present me as her best friend and roommate.
" I should introduce you to Nathan now", Christen mused.
"Which one is he?"
Christen discreetly pointed to a boy that matched her earlier description. Nathan Arrow was beautiful, his eyes legit sparkled when the strobe lights flashed across his face especially the green one. I could tell even from where I was standing that his fashion sense was unbeatable. He was standing in a group of seven, four girls and three guys himself included, talking animatedly and he was holding all the female attention.
"Mesmerizing", I told Christen, "but there's obviously a queue".
"Look at you Chels, subtle, classy, chic and dangerous with those pretty defined face muscles and your constant I don't give a shit, daring, turquoise colored eyes. You already have an exclusive invite into that group and when you get there you would hold all the attention not just because you look like this but because you naturally command it, that posture, that pretty bored face and that boss lady hair,ugh... let me take you out to dinner?"
"I'll pass on dinner and the intro I think I can find my own project. If you will excuse me I think I spy finger foods over by the bar as weird as that looks".
Christen sighed " yeah it's so people can have something to soak up the alcohol"
"This Nathan guy doesn't sound all that bad...I still won't meet him", I added when her face brightened.
"Fine I will escort you to the bar though".

"Smithy", Christen exclaimed once we were at the bar. The bartender sent her a familiar smile.
"This is a friend of mine Jada. We just reunited since childhood, it's her first time here will you take care of her and make sure she talks to plenty of strangers. She's a bit detached from society".
I glared at Christen from the side of my eyes and she smacked my butt a warning to be good. It was really starting now I realised I was really gonna sit here and pretend that I was Jada and that this was a normalcy with me. I stared after Christen as she wandered off to go have fun, I knew she was partly leaving me by myself so I could actually talk to a stranger and get ahead in my project but I want to scream for her to come back or rush after her, she was my comfort in all this chaos, my familiar face in this foreign land and with her gone especially leaving me at a bar in a club wearing clothes that weren't mine, I felt like I had finally taken off the last of my Chelsea persona and I was now stark naked. Naked and alone.
       I took a deep breath, Jada mode Chels, Jada mode.

I didn't seat by myself for very long which was even worse. Just as I had begun to adapt to my routine of staring around, two sips of drink , staring around twice, one sip , someone popped onto the barstool beside me.
Jada mode I muttered under my breath and then faced him with a bright smile. I think I knocked him out guys, he started his sentence with a stammer, once, twice, thrice before his confidence completely dissolved and he hightailed it out of my sight. So the next guy that plopped on the stool beside me got the brooder face, he made it three sentences stammered badly on the fourth and left.
       What do men want.
There were three more guys, I did my very best to be approachable but it just wasn't good enough. I even giggled the silly giggle Christen always does in Liam's presence but the guy looked at me like I had just cackled like an hyena. I was going to fail that project, you could change the hair, the clothes but inside I was still Chels. It was so hard to summon my acting skills maybe it was the environment, the complete lack of familiarity. I was beggining to understand what Professor Callahan had been saying about me. My potential literally died in unfamiliar territory and as an aspiring actress that was bad there was barely any comfort zone in that career when it came to being in front of the camera they could have me make out with a fifty year old man. I shuddered. Scared that I would quickly gain a reputation I retreated to a dark corner where the entrance to behind the counter was positioned and just sat there munching on finger foods and sipping a drink while Smithy who had witnessed and laughed at all my attempts was doing his best to educate me about the male gender.
I sat there for the rest of the night ten O clock turned into eleven and then midnight. I wished my godmother magic would just fade. Christen wandered by the bar where she left me a few times clearly looking for me, I stayed purposely out of the range if lights as I wasn't ready to answer any questions.

At exactly 12:30 -and yes I was checking the time eager to suggest to Christen we call it a night- there was an uproar in the VIP area. There had been uproars the entire night but this one was different, it lasted longer for one and the excited buzz was almost physical you could feel it, hear it, smell it and I would have tried to touch it if I didn't suddenly come to my senses. Even Nathan Arrow hopped on a couch a big grin stretching his face, "you made it man", he yelled " let the party begin".
There was a chorus of chuckles and giggles but I didn't laugh I thought he was absolutely mad, BEGIN? Why was he putting ideas in Christens head wherever she was. Time passed and the buzz simmered down a bit even though the energy was still there beneath the surface. More people were on the dance floor showing off tricks that had been tucked away all night, a confident number of them danced from couch to couch like monkeys, more people came for the finger foods like they were trying to stay sober for something big, epic. Who the hell had walked through those doors and what was his problem that all these kids were suddenly acting so high.
Still I sat in a corner and nursed a drink  and ate the never finishing finger foods I could feel a bulge beginning to form in my lower stomach my crop top was supposed to show off, oops. People came to the bar, they drank, they ate, they lingered for a while and left. One guy walked up to the bar, he was quite tall, taller than 6'1 my brother was 6'1 and this guy looked taller, taller than Liam's 6'2. He had legs for ages and a proportionate torso, a nice looking one too. His arms were defined you could just tell, someone didn't play around with his gym membership. But he wasn't even body builder buff no he was all lean, hard muscle. Too rugged to be a model except for maybe the cover of muscle and fitness. My first thought was if I ever had to fight a guy like that where exactly would I even hit to get an advantage, I'd just have to spit in his eye. I dismissed him but once his face came into the light three things happened. First Smithy greeted him with such enthusiasm and vigor and then proceeded to serve him a drink without even being asked. Second I realised that this stranger was the very source of the new energy that was now pulsing through the VIP area and Third I used the word mesmerizing for the second time that night. He had slightly large grey eyes that seemed to swirl, his face was definitely more defined than mine, semi sharp cheekbones, sharp jaws and a sharp nose. His eyebrows were dark and thick and they were actually shaped, he had perfect teeth and his lips they were so feminine he could have rocked a lipstick with how full and round an dark peach they were. His hair was dark and shiny and fell into his right eye with reckless abandon. The face was a bit familiar I had seen it before, never up close like this but I had caught a glance of it before. Christen was also constantly gossiping about this guy, I knew his name somewhere in the back of my mind.

  Ahh yes that was it the great LRL
Logan Rory Larry.

I promise they would actually interact guys, I have a storyline but my fingers just do whatever they like and it all seems to be coming together so I am letting them.
Pls vote😥

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