6 - Reason

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"My name's Jun btw"

"Jun?" I asked.

"Yes" he gave a warm smile. He doesn't sound like a bad guy to be honest.. But we don't know what kind of person is he yet.

"We'll check on your friend when you get discharge" he said. "How long will I have to be here?" I asked. "Your injury is not that critical so maybe in one week or more?" He said unsure but I smiles and nodded at him.

"So, you wanna talk about something?" Jun said awkwardly. "Hm.." I thought for awhile. "Sure" he smiles. We talked about ourselves, family and friends.

"So, this Mingyu guy.." he stopped for awhile. "He's your childhood friend?" I nodded. "Yes, we've been friends since kindergarten" he sighed.  "I have this one friend.." Jun lowered his eyes and continues "We're always together. We've been friends for so long, just like you and Mingyu. But not anymore.. After he found the love of his life, he doesn't need me anymore."

Jun POV.

"Go away!! Stop following me around. I don't need a friend like you." he said. "But... M-" he cuts me off. "You are just a follower of mine. You just followed me wherever I go. I don't deserve a friend like you." He can't be with her... "No please.. You can't be with her.. S-she's cheating on you." He just clicked his tongue, not listening to my words. "Are you making all that up just because you don't want me to be with her? And because you liked her? Huh?!?!!" he pull my collar. "N-no. Why won't you listen to me.. We can talk about this out.." It was hard to breathe with him pulling my collar. Soonbyul.. She's a cheater!! She likes another guy which she flirt with when he's not there for her. Why won't he just listen to me..? It was a long time ago when I first liked her. But I lost feelings when I knew she's a playgirl in that school. I can't believe he actually fall for her trick. She's just using him to get the person she liked. She wants the person to be jealous and ended up falling for her. "Why d-don't you g-get it..." He stopped and I dropped to the ground breathing heavily. "Because I don't trust you" My eyes widen. Those words hit me right on my chest. I lowered my head not wanting to see him leaving me. Tears escaping my eyes and I cries softly. No one was there for me. Everyone was already back home and it was just me in the school. Alone...

"You live alone?" She asked. "Yes, I.. lived alone." I answered her. "What about your family? Don't you have siblings... or parents?" 

"I'm sorry... I can't help them." "Doctor.." I spoke. "Thank you.. For trying.." I hugged him. He hesitate a bit but hugged me back while saying "You're the first person to ever said that to me." Holding back my tears, I walked away without even looking at him. I clenched my fist. I.. don't want to show my weak side to others...

"You... You're not joking right..?" My brother looked up to me. I sighed deeply. A tear escaped my eyes as I walked away from him. "Why would I be joking right now..." I said coldly. "No.. This can't be..!! Please tell me.. this.. Ain't real.." He cried out. "I'm sorry.." I said. I walked further away from him, leaving him alone in his room. I went to my room and close the door after walking in. In that moment, I dropped to my feet and more tears are coming out from my eyes as I felt pain in my chest. "How... How did they get involved in a car crash? HOW??!!?"

"They passed away" I said. My face was plastered with an emotionless face. "I'm.. I'm sorry about that.." She said with a sad expression. "No it's okay" I smiled at her but my sad face was very obvious. She looks sad as well. "I didn't mean to ask you that.." She keep apologizing so I changes the topic. "Anyways, Are you gonna find your friend and talk to him?" I asked. "Yea, after I got discharged though" she replied.

Few weeks later


"Y/N, you remember his address right?" Jun asked. "Yea, of course I do" I answered him. He then started the ride as I told him the address. There was a moment of silence until Jun break it. "Why do you need to meet him anyway?" He asked. "Personal reasons.." He looked at me for awhile and continue driving. "Oh.. That's okay you don't need to tell me" "I mean.. He was there when I got involved in the car crash.. How can he not see me.." I said softly. Jun just looked at me with his eyes furrowed. "You're still thinking about that..?" "Yea.. You did tell me that you're going to bring me there to ask him about it right?" He nodded. "Well yea, it's because I wanted to help you" "Thanks" I actually felt uncomfortable if someone helped me, but it's different from what I thought when Jun does it. "Anytime" his lips curved a smile.

We arrived infront of Mingyu's house. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Mingyu opened the door and his smile faded when he saw me. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" "Oh, Mingyu I have something to ask you." I said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "What is it? You can ask me here." My heart sank when he said that. He usually welcome me with a warm smile plastered on his face. This isn't the Mingyu I know. Jun noticed something's wrong so he isn't smiling like how he usually does.

"Mingyu, who is it?" A girl appeared from Mingyu's back. I immediately recognized the girl. It was Soonbyul. The one who told me to stay away from Mingyu. His eyes widened and a sign of nervousness was seen in him. "Ah... It's Y/N.." She smiled. Did she just.. Act nice toward me?

"Mingyu, why didn't you let them in? They're guests you know" Soonbyul let us in and I immediately spotted an unusual aura in her. "Looks like Y/N also got another boyfriend" she giggles. "He's not my boyfriend.." I said straightforwardly "I see.." A chuckles left her mouth as she looked at me with a smile. "Tea?" Soonbyul ask and we nodded. "Sure, thanks a lot" I said. After she had gone to the kitchen, I asked Mingyu with a straight face "Who's she?" Mingyu seems taken aback by my question. "She-" "She's your 'another' girlfriend right..? And you said you only loved me? You said you'll protect me?" I couldn't believe him. I trust him more than anyone in the world but he just betrayed my trust for him. "Y/N, I'm sorry.." Mingyu said as he lowered down his head. Not wanting to see me face to face. "Sorry isn't enough Mingyu, don't think I can ever forgive you." I stood up and walked away. Jun just followed behind me without saying anything.

We knows.. The reason behind all this.

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