The fight

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Ding ding****
Mmmmm I swear work is killing me I don't even want to go in today but I also want to see Leah and see how she is cause she's been annoying all my messages and calls but she can't avoid me if we are in the same building. I get up and see jrod already left so I got in the shower, got dress, did my hair and makeup and headed to work.

The boss- good morning Jennifer I need you and Leah to work in the back today. She's already back there just tell her I partnered y'all up I know y'all will be excited. He laughed and walked away

Jennifer- yea more like hate it. She mumbled under here breath

Leah, Leah, Leah I called for her but she didn't answer then I got in the back and saw her sorting things in boxes of course she was annoying me.

Jennifer- hey lee. The boss said we are working together today so I guess we are sorting things into boxes.

She just kept annoying me like I wasn't even here so I just kept doing what she was doing sorting things into boxes then I noticed something weird it was OMG it was a dildo I started to bust out laughing and that caught Leah's eye she looked at me with a annoyed and confused look then I held up the dildo and she just froze there I could tell she was about to cry or even pass out she quickly went to the other aisle and started sorting out boxes on that side I know she was raped by a toy but only a certain one cause she uses them on her on e night stands so why is she acting so weird now with my curious ass I walked to where she was and asked.

Jennifer- hey lee

Leah- it's Leah Jennifer not lee. She sighed

Jennifer- well okay LEAH why did you look like a complete ghost when I showed you this.

Leah- plz get that away from me Jennifer.

Jennifer- not until you tell me why.

Leah sighed

Jennifer- Leah tell me.


She took me by surprise when she yelled at me like that, that's not like her at all.

Jennifer- Leah I'm so sorry I didn't know.its not the same exact toy they used on you Leah so don't be upset about it ok.

Leah just rolled her eyes and continued on doing what she was doing while annoying me again.

Jennifer- ok listen bitch you know I hate when people roll there eyes at me so look I do regret what happened but it happened so I'm facing it now I didn't say it wasn't good or I didn't like it cause I fucking loved it Leah I wouldn't want to have sec with any other girl besides you hell your probably better than jrod and your beating yourself up about this when it's not your fault( I bent down to her level since she was on the ground and made her look at me and I continued) so please just stop cause I miss you I miss my best friend my whore and my side chick I miss are cuddles and stupid talks and ya getting drunk I want her back please don't let us having sex get in the way of are friendship cause I love you Leah like damn.

I guess that really hit her cause she teared up and before I New it she kissed me just a simple peck but she stayed there for a while and rested her forehead on mine.

Leah- I missed you whore. 

Me and her just sat there for awhile holding onto each other not wanting to let go until she broke the silence.

Leah- who came to get you last night.

Jennifer- jrod I called him to come get me.

Leah- oh! What did you guys go do.

Jennifer- um we just went back to his place.

I could feel her grip loosen like she knew something. Then she said it what I didn't want to ever tell her.

Leah- did y'all fuck.

Jennifer- do we have to do this.

Leah- yea I would like to know if you fucked someone after fucking me. She said with a hard tone.

Jennifer- Leah yes I did but I was only thinking of you I faked moan and every kiss all I could do was think of  you Leah.

Leah- okay.

The day went on and everything was kinda back to normal Leah and Jennifer went to get some ice cream and headed back to jens place to watch a movie that just came out.

Jennifer- so are you still mad at me lee.

Jennifer asked but before Leah could answer her phone went off.

-hey I'm coming over I will be there in 15

Leah-  who's that.

Jennifer- um jrod he said he will be at my house in 15 minutes.

Leah- well you should get going than shouldn't you. Leah said in a sassy tone.

Jennifer- Leah please don't do this we just got back on track.

Leah- no Jennifer we was never back on track I'm still fucking mad at you so do us all a favor and go see jrod and be with him so you have no regrets.

Before Jennifer could say anything back to her she went to her room and slammed her door so Jennifer just headed on home and didn't feel like arguing anymore.

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