Some things never last

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Leah's POV

How can Jennifer be so naive like yes we had sex but she wanted it she asked me and she actually kinda begged me so how can she regret it I know we kissed way before any of this and she is straight but we had sex it didn't have to be weird afterwards but she made it weird and now she's clearly with this dude arod now and tbh I'm kinda jealous I guess I should text her just to see if she texts back I will say she left her shirt here even though she has lots of clothes here.

-you left your shirt here

-ok I would come and get it but I'm having dinner with jrod right now can I come after dinner

-no it's fine I will bring it to work with the rest of your clothes

- whatever Leah make sure you give me all my stuff back if you wanna be petty

-How am I being petty

-I'm not arguing I'm having dinner with my "boyfriend" and don't have time for you

-oh so now he's your boyfriend ok Jen

-....left on read....

Wow this bitch did she really leave me on read you know what fuck her I'm sick and tired of her shit.

The next day~~~~~~.    

It was Friday thank god I get two days off and I'm definitely sleeping in I have Jens shit packed to give to her I kinda don't wanna see her so I'm just going to put it in her car since I have a spare key to her car, oh yea imma give that back to I hope she has a great life with her new boyfriend and think about me every time they kiss or do the nasty.

The boss- hey Leah there's a costumer at the clothes section that needs help can you please go to them.

Leah- yea sure boss

On the way to the clothes section Leah noticed Jennifer helping out a mother and two little boys she was smiling at them and being so cute towards them while ringing up there food I swear she would be a good mom even though we aren't on good terms I have always said she would be a good mom.

It was time to go home and I see Jennifer already left so I walked to my car and opened the door but when I got in there was a big box in the passenger seat with a letter stuck to it. I opened the box and saw my spare house key with my spare car key and all my clothes and are pictures together I can't believe we are actually over from being best friends 20 years down the drain all over just because of one night. So I closed the box and opened the letter she wrote me.
It's hard for me to write this but here's all your clothes, spare keys and pictures of us I don't care what you do with all the pictures you can burn them if you want I know I pushed you into having sex with me so I just want you to know it's not your fault but some things never last and that's are friendship you will always be in my heart but it's time to focus on my relationship with jrod I really do like him a lot and we been getting closer I wish you the best
           Love Jen.

As the night went on Leah decided to put her and Jens pictures together under her bed and the letter with them she decided to go to the liquor store and do the only thing she knows how to do to take away her pain, she use to be a horrible drunk before she met Jennifer and Jennifer is actually the one who helped her stopped so that made Leah want to drink more and more until she finally fell asleep.

It was 2:30pm until Leah woke up which is weird cause she always woke up early.uhhhh why did I drink so much Leah thought to herself while rubbing her temples, she got up and got in the shower, then got some pain killers and Gatorade and layed back down to scroll through social media but when she did she had 9 missed calls from Jennifer, 30 messages, 10 missed FaceTime calls and lots of snaps all from Jennifer. What does she want Leah groaned. But before she could even read her messages she heard someone knocking on the door like there's a murder outside or something. 

I'm coming damn.

But when she opened the door her eyes couldn't believe who was in front of her.

Jen- wow leah you couldn't answer your damn phone I was worried sick.

Leah- well you see I'm fine and we aren't friends anymore so you don't have to worry about me.

Jen- wow Leah I was just making sure you was ok cause you sent me a snap with you getting wasted as hell you remember that.

Leah- no Jen I don't remember that but I'm sorry so can you please leave.

Jen- no leah I can't until I know your ok I still care about you and you have come far by not drinking and now look at you, you stink like alcohol.

Leah- well I asked you to leave but your still here so and for the record I showered.

Jen-not good enough.

Leah- excuse me watch who you are talking to Jennifer cause I'm not afraid of whooping your ass.

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